Report by Brendan
Well arriving at Coode Street today I was rather tired from being at work all week and our neighbours partying most of the night and neighbours having domestics at 2 in the morning but none the less looking forward to a hit out on the road rather than the wind trainer at work all week.
It was great to see a huge turn out yet again and goes to show we as a group/club are doing what cyclists seem to enjoy with bunch riding and great camaraderie
After I gave a short spiel about our route today etc we headed off into a light headwind along Mill point Road and onto Shepparton Road, I figured it was going to be one of those days as after the night I had we managed to get a Red light for the first 2 traffic lights and that set the tone for the day.
The ride out Shep to Welshpool Road was pretty uneventful just trying to keep everyone grouped together and steadily rolling along, again with more red lights we finally managed to get out to our Hale Road turnoff where we kept a steady but not fast pace up until one of the Hwy’s where the lights split the group but eventually back together we hit Kalamunda Road turnoff where the groups were meant to split, I roved the pack and reminded everyone to make a choice and the Road Runners (rabbits) or being the Coyotes (chasers)
The groups split fairly smoothly but as we headed straight for ridge Road Hill one of the other group will have to add to the Blog there spiel from here on as that would be the last we saw of them till the Coffee shop but getting ahead of myself…. We were abit disorganised and a few people put the hammer down straight away and headed to the left/right combo before headed over the bump call ridge Road, adding in cars trying to get past we were strung out single file with me trying to keep as many of us together and calling for re group at the roundabout on the other side of the hill. A few were happy to ride there pace and some rode it hard but we all managed to ride over without too many problems, once skirting down the other side we hit the roundabout and I rallied the troops to regroup.
Someone had some bike issues but told the group to go on and he checked his bike and caught up without any probs with some help of course. Ryan, Gerry, Nick and a couple of others obviously didn’t feel like waiting for the main peloton so rode of in the distance while we slowed for the regroup. Once regrouped we made our way towards Guildford and I managed to have everybody rolling turns fairly smoothly after a few smashing turns at the start everyone was at a comfortable speed and rode as a group really well which was great to see. We were averaging 40kmhr without too many issues until we hit Guildford Road for our tail wind home with a faint hope of reeling in those rabbits err road runners
It was pretty obvious after the first few traffic lights today was not going to be our day as all the way in to East Perth I am positive we hit at least 80% of red lights, when we had the chance the group rolled over really well, albeit those chances were few and far between. We finally managed to get to our turn off to head to East Perth down to riverside drive and yet again we got split by a red light but re grouped at the base of the East Perth Hill and headed off to riverside Drive with yet again another 2 red lights and you wouldn’t believe it another one right before our sprint ends at the speed sign just before the coffee shop turn..
So needless to say we came in approx 5 minutes behind those pesky road runners with Ryan’s lil group not quite reaching them either.
So as the outside area was full we took over the inside area and had the whole lot to ourselves to enjoy coffee, drinks and muffins had and quite a few good laughs.
After I headed home to rest up for tomorrow’s race at Technology Park.
Hope to see a few there racing and cheering for club SPR, Thanks for the ride peoples it was great not having any accidents or incidents to report on.

The Road Runners left the Coyote’s at Kalamunda Rd and quickly formed a tight group and started rolling thru straight away. The group moved well with only a few gaps.Once we hit Guildford road proper and sorted the group into two lines again and rolled thru along the mad mile we knew the Coyotes would not catch us even with the hills at Maylands, the group tackled them with great effort to get over and form up again.
Good encouragement with the ride and anyone leaving the inside line was asked to remain in that line (just ask Declan).
Deco also dropped his chain at the lights in Maylands, I just hope no children were around to hear his reaction.
Good Ride. These rides give everyone a chance to work but also gives them a chance want to work to make it work. ?
Had a look at the two names on the net.
COYOTE — Wild dog,cunning,sneaky,hunts in packs,will eat its own,needs constant stroking to perform, loves mirrors, will sit in a pack of Road Runners waiting to attack.
Only known enemy the traffic light.
ROAD RUNNER — Beautful bird,Sleek,Graceful,moves in tight groups,will stop to rescue fatigued birds,collects bright objects, loves to meet other birds. Only one known enemy the Coyote but for how long who knows?
I got to stop buying my stuff from Acme. Carting that anvil around really slowed me down.
LOL Love it Nev good work 🙂