
that time again folks!!!spr-breaky2

The next  SPR breakfast will be on

Saturday the 21st March

at Pete’s place immediately following the group ride.

Lots of yummy food… lots of great fun… and great prizes to be won!


Only $10 a

head for all this… What a deal!

Please RSVP by 18/3 to our events manager Lisa so that we can have approximate numbers for catering.


See you there…


11 thoughts on “SPR BREAKFAST!”

  1. …and PLEASE let it not RAIN this time!!! These breakfasts are like washing your car – sure fire way to bring on the thunder clouds!!

  2. Pete any chance we could arrange for the scales to be present. Some new toys in the bunch since last time and maybe a chance to move up the leaderboard.

  3. I’ll put my Prince on the scale once I get my R-SYS back, early April. I reckon it’ll be close to 6.8Kg then

  4. And if my R3 is back from the repair-shop by then, a re-weigh will see it move down the leaderboard (due to all that extra carbon/resin) like a salmon swimming upstream against the flow of heavy hitting lightweight acquisitions. 🙁

  5. the scales are sitting at home waiting for just such an occasion. we will do a weigh-in after the breakfast. jerry, weigh the bike now, cause then it looks even better when you get the wheels back. if anyone wants to do a weigh-in anytime they get some new kit, just let me know.

    it has rained at every breakfast so far, so why would this one be any different.

  6. Ok so I have just put on a second bottle cage…. that’s coming off hmm what else can be stripped from the bike?? 🙂

  7. 6.8kg!!!
    Man… I am so getting lower and lower down that $%#@ leader board!
    Gotta find me some soooooper light wheels 😉

  8. Take off the extra bottle cages. Trim down the gear and brake cabbles. Does a bike really need four brake blocks – seems a bit excessive ! Oh Freeway ride the next day better keep those brake blocks afterall – Maybe you could file the blocks down to a few millimetres thickness. I’m sure Nick has other tricks !!!!

  9. I’m very sad that I won’t be able to make the breakfast – probably for the best though, as the hills just get harder to climb after eating Lorraine’s brownies. Makes me think of the lengths people would go to if we had a rider weight leader board. Not that I would be game to join…

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