Don’t Forget the first SPR Breakfast for 2009 at Pete’s place. The state famous Lozza Brownies may just be making a guest appearance so if you could let me know if you will be attending that would be great : alternatively if you post a comment letting me know if you want to attend that is also great.
So, I’ve noticed that the Bureau of Meterology has changed it’s forecast for Saturday from “Fine” to “Chance of a early shower”. I’ll still be coming though
I dont believe it…your right – good grief – send the SPR Club Riders to areas that have drought and we will show you the rain. SPR is now South Perth Rainmakers
Maybe we should have breakfasts where they do need rain
will the rain make my bike weight more?
It always rains on SPR breakfast morning ride….
Are you road cyclists or cry babies
Mr VP has spoken

Let’s embrace the rain – what was the song again…..”Take me dancin, naked in the rain” Oh goodness watch out for Ryan!!!
Tomorrow must be white lycra day for Fynn
let not mix HTFU and white lycra…please!