Just a quick note (from Steve) to say thanks for people dropping in and calling for best wishes with his recent back surgery (shaved disc in his spine basicaly, wont even try to say more)
But in true SPR style manages a smile and dons the hat fresh out of surgery!
After visiting him in hospital I am happy to stay he is doing great and should be back to hurting us on the bike in no time. (But I am glad to be able to put the hurt on him until he gets back to ful speed hehe).
See you on the road soon mate.

Are these sheets covering a urinary catheter Steve?
Nice to see a smile Steve! Good luck with the recovery and hopefully you’ll be able to bounce over cobbles in no time like the Paris Roubaix guys on Sunday!
all the best Steve, try not to rush the recovery too much…you’ll be better than before once you do get going.
Hope you’re up and going soon Steve!
Loving the off-the-shoulder look with the cycling tan 😉
If SPR brownies would speed you recovery just say the word!
Hi SPR compatriots’,
Day four and I’m home. I had huge improvement yesterday after visits from Brendan and Jack, and solid progression again today(probably assisted by the medication no doubt!).
Jerard you may not believe it but the pic on the left is all me. Nope, no catheter thank christ, I was determined to show them the waterworks worked as they’re meant to!
John you’re dead right about taking it easy but I will struggle with that like you wouldn’t believe. When I can dry my own toes its time to mount the stationary bike.
Lorraine, my fashion advisor(Chev) made sure I was ready for photos, knowing full well it could be posted for the world to see on the hugely popular SPR blog site. I was aware the photos were being taken, however I was more dopey than ever before so felt a smile would be the best reaction to the paparazzi.
Thankyou to SPR for all your support before during and after my surgery.
Hopefully your back problems are now well and truly behind you, and your recovery is swift and complete. Best wishes and looking forward to seeing on the bike again soon
glad to see you in good spirits Steve – mend up quickly and we shall see you back on the bike before you know it 😉
Hi Steve,
Just adding my name to the growing list of well wishers. Hope the recovery continues to go smoothly and am looking forward to trying to hold onto your wheel again soon. Just be patient.
hi Steve
Great you have been mended. Just think of the down time as recovery time which will enable you to build up again faster and stronger.
I hope you are getting suitably spoilt whilst on the eoad to recovery.
See you on the road soon.
Hey all the best for a full recovery Steve.
Not sure how similar, but I had a L5/S1 partial discotomy in 1997 after several bouts of sciatica. It gave me enough movement to get back on the bike and not dread my leg fully extending.
So I think I know where you are at right now, and I’m hoping for a quick recovery for you.
Mate, did you have a back problem? Without it, you’ll demolish us!