Report by Lorraine
My race preparation started on Saturday night with dinner and a sleepover at Lisa’s place. Lisa had pasta waiting when I walked in the door (I could so get used to that) and I

had ample supplies of cake (OK… only 1/2 a cake) and icecream to complete the carb-loading experience for the evening. Did we paint out nails and talk about boys???…. No! And, contrary to the opinion of a certain SPR member, were not involved in any acts of pillow fighting or mud wrestling

4.30 the alarm went off!!! $#@%!!! this is almost as bad as getting up for Thursday morning rides. After a quick shower, cup of tea and Lisa’s “stick to your ribs” (and bowl and spoon and roof of your mouth) porridge we were on our way to pick up Anna in town as she was travelling in Lisa’s car. Not long after 5.30 we were on the freeway heading south. A couple of texts confirmed that Paul and Brendan (after prising Jody out of bed) were on the road too.
What should have been an uneventful trip suddenly changed about 30k out of Bunbury… Lisa was in her X-Trail with Anna and I was following behind them. For no apparent reason some whacko starts “stalking” us! It started with him driving up right beside me for several minutes. Then he did the same to Lisa after which he pulled out
in front of her, slowed down and then slammed the brakes on. When she pulled out to pass he swerved out on front of her. Then he began fish-tailing over both lanes in front of her… This went on for 10 min or more and Anna immediately got on the phone to the police in Bunbury. He finally appeared to drive off only to stay 500m or so in front of us for another 5 min or so. He indicated and pulled off apparently to turn left and we sped up to pass him… only to have him drive up behind us and start intimidating us all over again. He eventually drove off before we got into Bunbury. All in all it was a terrifying ordeal and one that we are continuing to follow

up with the police.
By the time we pulled into Dardanup we were still very shaken but managed to pull ourselves together enough to register and tell our exciting tale to the other familiar faces that had started to arrive! My greatest relief of the day was the site of the coffee van… Hallelujah!!! Make that a long Mac thank you!
Soon all the gang were there… Pete, Judd, Mike, Stu, Paul, Brendan and Jody (AKA Little Miss Sleepy). The familiar faces of the Fleet Elite girls would be joined today by Lisa who has been shanghaied into the “blue and grey” to join the team whilst Davina is overseas. She was not looking forward to the hills as, for some reason, she doesn’t enjoy them! What the?

I was kitted up and ready nice and early so joined Pete, Brendan and Paul for a warm up and recon of the start/ finish section of the course… the only flat smooth sections of the entire course as I was later to find out.
The girls eventually took off at 10 am and headed out towards the hills. The bunch stayed close together as we left the flat and the rolling hills began. About 15k out the first decent climb started. As instructed I yelled encouragement at Lisa assuring her that everyone one was hurting more than she was!!!
I soon realised that I was going to have an advantage on the climbs and worked my way up to front without too much effort. As the crest appeared Sarah Kent kicked hard and passed me before I had time to react. I put in an effort to chase her but did not have quite enough in generic viagra the tank after getting up the hill…. Bugger!
After that I slipped back to the small leading bunch with Sarah-Jeanne Fraser, Mel Hoskins and Stephanie Russell to work at increasing the break from the others. Had a classic blonde moment at the U-turn to come back and almost sailed straight

through! Classy
The hills continued and my legs were in great form on the climbs… There were many moments about now where I wanted to kiss every single SPR rider who I have ever chased up hills on those bloody Sunday rides! Bless you all
Everyone’s legs were good and toasty by the time we came back into town (a nice change from Collie!). I didn’t make the mistake of leading everyone out this time (that’s a first)… At the very least I knew I was going to get 5th so I forced myself to sit and watch S-J and Mel wait for each other to make the break. When they went I did my best to grab S-J’s wheel and manged to pass Stephanie before the finish. 4th… woo hoo. Absolutely thrilled! Paul was the first SPR face I saw and, low and behold, he had come 4th too! After congratulating each other we found out they were placing to 4th… we were both in the money!

A couple of minutes behind us were the next bunch led by Bec Halliday. I was thrilled to see Lisa on her wheel in 7th place… woo hoo again. Not bad for someone who had only 4 hours sleep, hates the hills (or used to) and was nearly run off the road on the way down. Great work Lisa!!!
After the rest of the boys finished, cans of drink were passed around and muffins eaten (what… no brownies!). Those of us who were not on a tight schedule headed to the pub for presentations. 2 SPR riders getting placed was a great result for us ! Go team SPR!
Am off to recon the WA State Long Distance Road Championship course tomorrow… full of optimism for next weekend
I will be taking any orders for my stick to your ribs, bowl, spoon and mouth porridge as it proved to be rocket fuel…….I shall bring some over on Sunday for the long course
Congratulations Lorraine – you looked pretty strong when I passed you coming back through the hills. Good to see you showing some patience out there too. Well done to Lisa – although not in the official SPR colours we know you are SPR at heart
Too good by half Ladies! Congratualtions Lorraine and Lisa on great results. Can we request some “stick to your ribs, bowl, spoon and mouth porridge” at the next SPR Brekky please???
Nice riding girls. Well done Lorraine for bringing home the cash! Sounds like the pace was a bit better than Collie womens (aka Giro Stage 9 pace!).