CYCLOSPORTIF – Byford Bike-A-thon – Sunday 23rd August

The next Cyclosportif event, the Byford Bike-A-thon is being held on Sunday 23rd August and takes in the scenery around Byford, the Serpentine Damn and Jarrahdale.

Byford is only 43km south of Perth


There is an opportunity for anyone involved in SPR  to participate as there are 3 different distances to choose from.swanv4

swanv5Distance A- 86 km
Distance B- 72 km
Distance C- 32 km

Each team comprises up to a maximum of 9 and a minimum of 5 riders for each event, with the overall team time (you must stick together) counting as the completed time.  This is NOT racing – it is about enjoying a challenge

with your team mates and ‘participating’ as a team not ‘winning’.

Let’s see if we can get as many SPR jerseys out there as we did for the Swan

Valley Event!!!

Cost is $45 pp for Cyclosportif members/ $60 pp for non-members

If you hold a current Cycling Australia racing license the cost is $45

Recreational and non-license holders will need to buy a “friend of Cyclosportif” day license to participate – $60 in total


Please indicate in the comments if you are interested and in which distance.


SPR “base camp” and “feed zone” will be available on the day.


25 thoughts on “CYCLOSPORTIF – Byford Bike-A-thon – Sunday 23rd August”

  1. Well I can do A but will ride out there and home as it will be my last “big” training week prior to Grafton so if there is enough A count me in… maybe I will just motor pace you lorriane 😉

  2. Make sure you consider the route and the profile when nominating. The A distance rides up to the Serpentine Dam with almost 500m rise in elevation to get there. Teams will need to be homogeneous or patient or both.

  3. So Sunday Hill bunnies, we need your services in A…

    Julian no excuses, perhaps even on a new Steed…

    Mr B, take it easy on us…

  4. I think i will be up for it will confirm shortly – happy for A (though if only the *fast boys* are doing the A then I will obviously bow out gracefully)

  5. I do not think I have said this before “but I’am also up for the Big One”
    Happy to join a group of similar ability. A or B.

  6. I have another for the B group, whether it the longer or lil shorter.

    Perhaps we will have enough interest for 2 * the longer distance?

    Are there any team captains?

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