Changing Tyres with Kids

by Rob.

So there I was out in the back courtyard on Saturday afternoon cleaning the sand and grit off my bike from another wet/grubby/windy Thursday morning ride. Once clean, I looked at the tyres and thought I’ve got a couple of fresh Continental 4000’s sitting in the shed – about time that they went on. Half way through the action, Mr Just 5 wanders over and says “What ya doin’ Dad?”
“Changing a tyre Son.”
“What’s this?”
“That’s the tube Son.”
“Do I have tubes in my tyres Dad?”
“Yes, Son, you do.”
“They’re not this skinny though are they Dad?”
“No Son, they’re not.”
“You know what Dad?”
“What Son?”
“I’m going to have skinny tubes like this when I grow up.”

Yes Son, you are.

Not long after this very proud, eye-tearing moment, Miss Nearly 9 wanders over and says “Dad, could I put some different music on?”
“But this is Powderfinger honey. Great stuff really.”
”But I want to put some of ‘MY’ music on. Pleeeaase Dad…?”
”Fine, Sweetheart, but don’t turn it up, OK?”
“No Dad, I won’t”

Her ‘choice’? AC/DC – The Razors Edge.

“Yes Dad?”
“Turn it up a bit would you.”

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