the last race of the cycling wa calendar is almost upon us and this is the event that last year made us consider becoming a club. after an average of about 6 spr riders attending races through 2008 the joodalup classic had us field close to 15 riders. from that we have certainly moved forward and regularly have a decent turn out at events this year. lets finish the race year on a positive note and aim for a massive spr presence. last years race report by jerry can be found here and stuart’s not so good race report here.
the course has changed this year and it is a longer circuit at just over 20kms. “a” grade men do 102.5km while “a” grade women and “b” grade men do 82kms (separately). this event will also have a 61.5km women’s support race and a “c” grade men’s race. this is a great opportunity for you to have a go at racing if you are interested. all you will need is a recreational licence as a minimum and then you can get a day licence. if you need more info about your requirements send me an email.
other information such as a event flyer, map and online registration can be found in these links.
entries must be in by tuesday 1st december at 7:30pm. don’t be late and don’t wait till tuesday.

i managed to get out in the car last weekend as the boys wouldn’t sleep in the afternoon so took the trip up to see the new course. it took close to an hour to get there from como but it is relatively easy to find as you just keep going north past the end of the freeway. anyway, i drove the circuit with the gps on the dashboard to get an idea of the terrain. don’t let the flyer fool you as there is nothing that even resembles any paris-roubaix type roads. just your standard rough country roads. don’t let the profile fool you either. the course is not really that hilly as the total elevation gained over the “big” hill is only 50m.
add your name to the comments and we will send out a race pack next week. we will be pitching our tent at the event and the parking area has the race pass by every lap so it is relatively spectator friendly.

wow pete – 520 calories while driving. i don’t want to know…
I learnt my lesson about playing with the big boys at Golden Spokes.
So I’ve entered C-Grade!
Have registered for B-Grade. Any other takers?
C grade for me. Got to get a race in this year surely??
I may join you Chuck.. My last road race was this race last year…
Ended in tears.. 🙁
I’ll join you in B grade Ben, if I recover from my flu. Remember to carry enough water!
I’ll give B Grade a run.
My Dutch (close enough to Belgium) heritage stipulates i must give any event calling itself “The Hell of the North” a go. Plus final race before my body will be entirely fuelled by alcohol (not too much changing here…), leg hams and cakes/pudding.
I wil be there.
C- grade for me- first time racing…. Anything I should know..???
i have registered for b grade.
we will have the tent as a meeting point.
the start line is quite wide so everyone will just park next to the road.
we will pitch the tent so any spectators can watch the race go by each lap.
i will try to post some screen shots of relevant points for the race.
I am in for B Grade. Was that a commitment to Race Fynn?
It seemed a little vague.
Racing mojo is MIA so I am sitting this one out guys 🙁
Will be there to cheer all the SPR crew on tho and brownies will accompany me of course!
Happy to hand out extra bidons if needed 🙂
It was a commitment of sorts to join Chuck in C Grade…
All signed up for B-Grade
Wisely or not, I am in for B Grade.
I’m only doing it for the brownies!
I’ve put my name down for the C Grade.
I’ll “C” you there..
Everyhing will be ‘A’ok…
I some how managed to register (at 9 pm Tues) from my new iphone! Receipt looks legit, so I’m in, Womens Support race. I paid for the day licence and it appears that I need a real licence number too.
Race Pack sounds interesting. Thanks for the encouragement L, look forward to the brownies. SS 😉
good work Sandra, you will enjoy the outing. The brownies are good 😉
Myself plus 2 newies are down for C grade – first time racers with no club kits 🙁
hey hey Mino! Time to really test that carbon upgrade hey?
Anyone know of anyone able to help with handing out some water bottles for A grade race as two bidons won’t be enough to get through?
If not, no drama, i will just load up my Jersey.
lorraine said that she will be there as a spectator and will help out with bottles if needed. if we set our tent up in the right place, she should only be 1 step away from being able to hand out bottles.
good luck all….course sounds good…@$#%##^work got me again!!!
I’m yer girl Matty 🙂
Happy to help out.
Wow, brownies and bidons of water! Glad I’ve registered 😉 Sounds like a good day out!
Welcome to SPR Sandra… feel the lurve 😉
Just squeezed in as last entry today (b-group). See you on Sunday.
Hopefully more success than last year (dnf)
Good work Mino… I am sure you will enjoy it out there.. 😉
Come say g’day in the tent, does not matter if you are not yet in your SPR colours..
Mr M DC, good to see you racing.. Make sure you hang on Jerries wheel and pip him on the line.. 🙂
I will bring some spare jerseys, size small.
Ill cheer you guys on from up north 🙁
I’m in for this one too; good to see so many down for it. Last year I remember it was soooo hot; I ran out of water-Lorraine if okay I might leave a spare with you. Is good you will be there even if you’re not racing with us in womens:(
I will be spectating and hovering near brownies as well. Happy to hand out water bottles with Lorraine – sounds like it could be busy!!
Thanks Holly… the more help the better!
Le Kuan will also be joining us as team doctor/photographer/mechanic/yoda-like wise advisor 😉
Leave some brownies for after the race please 😉
I thought this was amusing:
How to Win a Bike Race in 7 Steps.
Step 1 Sign with a strong team. You want team-mates with big legs who love to suffer. Total headbangers, really.
Step 2 Don’t miss the break. Either make your own break or join someone else’s. But don’t miss the winning move.
Step 3 If you miss the winning move, make sure you successfully completed Step 1. You may yet have a chance.
Step 4 Don’t let anyone slack in your break. Make them work. Verbal abuse may be necessary.
Step 5 If your team-mate makes the winning break, cause trouble in the chase. Verbal abuse may come your way.
Step 6 Check for nasty headwinds before committing to an early sprint.
Step 7 Get on the race favorite’s wheel. Let him lead you out. Thank him later.
So simple, this bike racing.