So, after many rides I’ve changed my mind once again. The crunch came when Em and I went up Reabold Hill and then rode home in silence…
So, the above is what I’m proposing for tomorrow. It’s pretty simple and there aren’t any big hills. See you all tomorroow!
Hi Ronny
I am coming back to Perth on the 27 Dec and am housesitting for a friend in Scarborough until the end of January and would love to get some cycling in. ( am bringing my bike) Are you running these rides throughout January?
Good to hear the novice ride is still going
Hi Libby, we should be there in January (or at least the Saturdays I’m not working). It will be good to have you back so please come along. Some of the group is also doing some extra training on Tuesday morning and Wednesday after work in Kings park.
Hi Libby we are riding on Tuesdays 6am at Frazers Kings Park and also on Wednesday arvo 5.00pm at Frazers Kings park. Ronny is doing a great job and setting out some different routes for us and we are all having agreat time – usually around 8 of us. Hope to meet you then cheers Lynda
I am interested in the King’s Park ride. Whereabouts do you meet at Fraser’s? At the front, or the carpark at the back? See you Wednesday (if I can find you)
Hey LibbyO, look forward to seeing you !!
Greg, Frasers car park is pretty small but where ever you end up parking meet in front of car park on grass near roundabout.
Hey Ronny and Emma
Merry Christmas and if not before see you next year. Really enjoyed the Saturday ride it was nice to do something a bit different for sure, and im keen to tackle Rebold, good choice not to do it Sat though!
Hi Tracy. Thanks for the tip! I am riding up from work so if you see a lost bloke on a Masi riding around near Frasers yell out!
Cheers and Merry Christmas all.
The King’s Park ride on Wednesday 23/12 was fun! There were 5 of us at the start then dr ronny joined us after a lap. The pace downhill and on the flats was pretty fast and I struggled to keep up. The fun for me was cardiac “hill” which I blasted up the first three times. On lap 4 and 5 I struggled but these rides are all about building endurance, so in a couple of weeks hopefully I will be able to blast up on all 5 laps.
Pink Champagne and cheese and crackers were kindly provided after the ride to celebrate Christmas while we chatted until too close to sunset.
For me, this was a great mid-week training ride and I will try to make it as often as I can.