Renae’s Race 2010

Sunday 21st February 2010

As some of you may or may not know the main event for this race is the Women’s race and I encourage all men but ESPECIALLY WOMEN to participate.  There are 2 grades for women A and B so if you would like to have a go at racing this is a fantastic opportunity as a support race is offered.

For those women that arent sure you dont have to worry about getting dropped and being in the middle of nowhere its a short circuit and if you have watched crits in the past there are plenty of people that retire before the end! they last for 35 or 40 minutes (depending on which grade you enter) and it was my introduction to racing…


Brodie Hall Drive, Technology Park

SENIORS ‘C’                           9.00am  35m+2 laps

SENIORS ‘B’                          9.40am  45m+2 laps

SENIORS ‘A’                        10.30am  50m+3 laps

WOMEN  (Renae’s Race)   11.30am 40m+2 laps

WOMEN ‘B’                             11.30am 35m+2 laps

Min 10 riders

 All Riders MUST hold an ACF 2010 licence

No Licence No Ride.  Day licences available

Pick up numbers no later than 15min’s before your race starts

NOMINATIONS    Sen.$25.00  Jun. $15.00

Nom’s close  15th Feb 2010

Direct Deposit to BSB 036 065 A/C 850860 ref#your name

+ Email payment and grade details to


Any queries please call Karen 0417804855  Or Henk 0409380239

If you have any questions about racing or dilemmas about entering then drop me a post….

Lisa 😉

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