Saturday intermediate ride short report by Russell

What a brilliant day and a great ride. Saturday morning was one of those mornings you wanted to go on and on, and I would have been happy riding all morning. I don’t know what causes things to come together to make a great ride, but they did on Saturday and it was probably the best ride since we had formed the four groups.

We had over 30 in the intermediate group on the roll out. We had about 3 or 4 volunteering to be down the back and act as sweepers and regroup points agreed (Cnr South and Stock, and South and Nicholson).

Warm up went well and the stock road series of hills got a sweat up but everybody rode sensibly and eased up over the hill tops so when we got to South Street we were all on. I had moved up to the front riders to let them know everybody was together and Team Cervello took the lead rolling through up the hill. The pace set by the front half dozen or so was pretty hot but controlled. I had to pass at one turn as I knew I would blow up if i tried to roll past on the outside. As we got to the flatter part of South Street from Murdoch Uni onwards, more and more riders started participating in the roll through, but plenty were still hanging on the back and letting those in front know they would not hook on to the pace line. I think it worked really well, the strong riders doing good turns setting the pace and others tracking along behind.

The roll through slowed past Banister as more and more people started coming through. I suspect there is a “magic” number of riders for an efficient roll through – but the more you get the less even and slower it seems to go. Maybe one of the secrets is for the roll through to start with good pace rather than build it up with everyone trying to increase speed at exactly the same time at by the same amount.

At corner of South and Nicolson we regrouped (and comfort stop), the sweepers said Julian was behind with one other and they thought he might of gone up Banister as they we not it sight. (Julian ?). Along Nicolson everybody kept the pace just right (about 36 – 38km/hr) with the work being shared and same along Albany Highway. Riders were really getting the hang of working as a bunch, even when being split by lights.

We had agreed to stay together on Albany Hwy as it feels much safer in a big bunch. The fast bit was from the lights at Shep road, and once again, things stepped up. Nobody broke away but individuals did good turns as the front until they started burning up. I swear everybody prays for a red light at the top of the hill before the run to the causeway – I don’t think I have ever had it green. Everybody was expecting Doug to do a pavement run – and he was true to form. The ride over the causeway and on to riverside drive was great with good speed and a big group all working out who to sit on, when to go, who was fading …..

Through the lights at Plain street and the front runners had to easy up behind a truck. Heavy breathing could be heard in the outside lane. Kim was moving up and he pasted the truck to get to the blue sign first. But given the truck was preventing a fair sprint on the inside, the true sprinting lane, I don’t think Kim can claim an honest win.

So all up a great ride and thank you to everyone on it for working together and making it so enjoyable (for me at least)

8 thoughts on “Saturday intermediate ride short report by Russell”

  1. Wonderful ride on Saturday. It really didn’t feel all that long – must have been the result of enjoying it so much. The roll through worked a treat and even though it did slow down a bit when it got bigger, it still worked pretty well.

  2. Nicole, pretty sure you were behind Kimbo on the sprint…so…you’re disqualified as well !

  3. Chris N and I stayed back to help Dale through the South St hills. We lost touch at Stock Road lights then proceeded to catch pretty much every red light until the coffee shop.

  4. From what I heard, even though Kimbo took the wrong lane to try get an easy win, he was chicked… So unfortunately he can’t even claim he had a win had he not been disqualified…

    Nicole S also gets to sit in the sin bin.. Tut..

  5. Well it was a bit like opening the door and letting someone through before you. Who am I kidding, she beat me 🙂 Not the first and won’t be the last.

    Clause 15.3 Addendum b – “Sprinting Riverside for Meager Glory”
    If all attempts to make safe way through the left (curbside) lane whilst in sprint mode have been exhausted, the right lane may be checked and if clear and ONLY clear of rear coming vehicles, may be used to advance ones position, both on the road and in the peaking order of the group, in the pursuit of Meager Glory!

    Therefor no sin bin required in this particular case but will accept the disqualification 😉

  6. Very good natured of you Kimbo.

    Thanks to the guy in the Black Johnny top for helping us stragglers get back to the main group after South St. The way we were able to sit at the back of the roll thru was clever as it allowed us to keep a good pace and recover.

    Well done to the group as a whole for looking after each other.

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