It my first Sunday report for what seems an interminably long time and to celebrate I issue a challenge. A thought occurred to me on the ride after seeing a not so fleet fox on Welshpool Rd. This got me thinking about putting references to bands in a report and seeing who could identify them. I’m sure there a members of the club whose musical experiences reach beyond Phil Collins and Michael Bolton and hope that they may take up the challenge. The Fleet Foxes (who I am listening to whilst typing this) form the first band referred to in this report. What follows will be the ride report containing several other references to bands. The person who identifies the correct amount (or the nearest) will win a drink of choice when next we meet after a Saturday or Sunday ride.
Anyway, it was a happy Monday Sunday when we started out with a good size group of about 40. A brisk pace ensured as Peter and I did head counts and tried to go between those doing the shorter ride and those on the longer test up the Chook and the Goose. Just before the first climb we passed the aforementioned ex-fox and the group young ones, led by Nick, caved a gap to the rest of the field but were soon picked up by the more mature member of the pack. Behind the main group Mark and I held pace with a Cervelo rider and kept a good pace on Lesmurdie Rd. Up ahead, Mike B took the spoils, from Jamie (who is finding some good climbing form of late), Jen, Aurecon Nick and Welsh Nick.
With no one is a catatonic state after the initial climb, we all headed off to Carmel and onto the Observatory climb. About 1/3 up we passed Davin, Matt and another rider, who missed the first turn into Lesmurdie Rd, carried on to the top of Welshpool and had done Chookenberg as well. Needless to say their climbing legs deserted them on the Observatory and Mike carried on his good form to the top. Behind him there was a sprint for second, with Welsh Nick leading out and Jamie holding off me in the run to the finish. Jen passed Nick on the line to claim 4th. Nick then collapsed at the finish (no regurgitation though) but was soon up and about for the Chook run.
As usual, the Observatory descent was a quick affair apart from some gravel on the road, which caused a kink in the direct line down the hill. Also as usual the Chookenberg was no birthday party and by the end I was struggling to stay above 10 km/hr. Mike again took the points, followed by me, Jamie, Jen and Aurecon Nick. When I’ve done this ride before, it has been normal to end the ride after the Weir Rd climb and head to coffee, so this time I decided to take it easy, beating a path up the hill at a more sedate pace do as to remain ready for the Goose. I had a good ride up with Jen and Matt with me for company and when we reached the top we were ready to carry on. Mike B again held sway, from Iiiiaiin, Jamie, Welsh Nick and Tom.
The whole group continued on for the last climb, as it was still fairly early. Down the zig zag we went and soon enough we were again heading upwards. The group soon spread out with Welsh Nick, determined to beat Jamie being paced by Mike. I was to find out later that this was Nick’s last ride with SPR for a while, as he was heading back to Wales later in the day. He didn’t panic at the top and was given the win by Mike, with Jamie, me and Peter following. We re-grouped at the top then began the last section to seek out the coffee shop.
We were entertained at the Merchant by a grumpy waiter who didn’t want to be there and an inaudible teenager, who gained a fan club of SPR riders by bringing our orders out then almost miming what they were. There were no bad seeds on the muffins, possibly made by Martha and her kids in the kitchen and once filled up, off we headed down the hill. There was one puncture at the school regroup, but apart from that, it was a pretty cruisy ride home. And so the report finishes without reference to a band – happy name hunting. The points page will be updated for June and if there are any records of points from April and May, please send them through to me for totaling.
Good write up, Julian. Now I really miss hills ride….
A novel idea, Julian… I’ll bite – I count 10, including the aforementioned foxes..
First hint – higher than 10!
1. Phil Collins
2. Michael Bolton
3. Fleet Foxes
4. Happy Monday’s
5. The Young Ones
6. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
7. Catatonic
8. Regurgitator
9. The Kinks
10. Birthday Party
11. The Panics
12. Martha and the Muffins
13. Kids in the Kitchen
So Thirteen I recon including the Phil Collins reference and the the Michael Bolton Reference.
“No gifts”.
Didn’t ask for any…..:P
Nice write up Julian – that was a brutal ride!
It was my first time up all those hills (except mundaring) and I’d like to give a shout out to my 11-28, for without her I would have ruined my carbon soles.
I enjoyed the company and ride (except for the goose) – thanks guys..
the spoils
I’m guessing by the general feel of things that number 7 on jorgy’s list should be catatonia.
I see Teenage fan club in there.
Is that mention of the Young Ones in there too?
Can’t believe you didn’t slip in Mike & the Mechanics though plenty of opportunity. Although they’re more Jarrad’s style
Catatonia….[facepalm]…..its catatonia…….
I got the young ones in the list
here’s a few more
The “Go-betweens” ; The “Young ones” = Cliff Richard; “Monday (to) Sunday” = Frank Sinatra; shes my “Ride Home” = Blue October; Leader “of the pack” = Shangri-lars
Ah yes but some of those do not reference Bands, just SONGS linked to bands. The idea was to pick out the referenced BANDs, not SONGS Oh now we are getting all “its the rules” etc… This IS getting out of hand…:)
Oh and refer to No. 5 in my list.
and subsequent post….:P
I’ll add the Go-Betweens to the list however. Good pickup.
i only got happy mondays ;0( no Reggae bands included as usual. sort it out for the next write up!! (niiiiiice rite up by de way)
Confirming the rules – they must be Bands. Jorgy, you actually got 14 as Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds were separated, so I counted them as 2. Correct that it should be Catatonia. Well done to Mark for the Go-Betweens and Chris for Teenage Fan Club. Yes Chris I wanted to include Mike and the Mechanics and Grinderman but couldn’t fit them in.
Keep guessing there’s still more to go!!
ummm.. Beetles. Johnny Fizz and the Pop Rockets. Intergalactic Alien Heads. U2.
Err, this is kinda embarrassing and I must point out that I have no association with this band whatsoever, Teenage Fan Club. Some one had to spot it.
Nick Cave was the first one that jumped out at me, and I have a suggestion to redeem myself…
End of second paragraph should have read, “Seek and Destroyed” the coffee shop.
David-H: so close, I think Julian might be referring to The Seekers.
So an update
1. Phil Collins
2. Michael Bolton
3. Fleet Foxes
4. Happy Monday’s
5. The Young Ones
6. Nick Cave
7. Catatonic
8. Regurgitator
9. The Kinks
10. Birthday Party
11. The Panics
12. Martha and the Muffins
13. Kids in the Kitchen
14. The Bad Seeds
15. Go-Betweens
16. Teenage Fan Club
17. The Seekers
18. The Easy Beats
19. The Spoils
20. Gerry and the Pacemakers
Toby Taking the piss
21. Beetles
22. Johnny Fizz and the Pop Rockets
23. Intergalactic Alien Heads
24. U2
If you’re going to be that tenuous – what about UB40 & 10cc ?
The Unconfirmed are only because they are tenuous and I can’t find the reference to the Spoils.
Gerry and the Pacemakers is VERY Tenuouis but thought I would throw it in.
“Jamie being paced by Mike” is my tenuous link.
Name your links for UB40 and 10cc, otherwise you join Toby in the Piss Taking section…:P
Easy: 1st line 2nd para; 3rd line 4th para
They’re even more tenuous than mine………
I have to say, I have led a sheltered life as I do not know a quarter of those bands..
But I am seeing a Chemical Brothers link in there, second para third row..
A plethora of tenuous links if ones goes throgh word by word..
Yep got all those but then again I am a bit of a music geek and also I could easily lie now they are already there !!!
The only extra ones I can see are a couple of British alternative bands sneakily put in the title “Ride” and “The Sundays”
June 5 rhythms with Maroon 5 but that might be asking too much !!!
Competetion closed. Jorgy is the winner. The actual number was 20 – the 18 listed above are correct, The Spoils are number 19 (I hadn’t heard of them but Mr Google said they’re a Melbourne band). Gerry and the Pacemakers was not on the list, leaving the only one not identified as UK indie rockers James (Jamie mentioned several times!). Thanks to everyone for who submitted comments – Jorgy your preferred ride refreshment will be served when next we ride together.
I’ll take a Strawberry Fields Milkshake thanks. (Get it….Beatles…Get it….)
Yeah! Suck it!