Each year brings to all of us a fresh set of personal challenges to face the upcoming Time Trial season.
How many boutique beers did I sink?
Or non-boutique but mid strength cider imitations?
Did the black plague visit the house?
Do I need to pack a bag of blood?
Can I paint a huge target on someone else’s backside?
(is it wrong to continue to think of your backside Mr Fynn?)
Have I shed a few kilos by being castrated after a night on the turps and vomiting on my wife’s side of the bed?
That’s right fellow traveller.
Real challenges for real people,
Like you and me.
The ATTA 2011/2012 season was a high tide mark in my brief and semi-non-illustrious-faux-pro-am-TT-career.
A new sperm shaped helmet.
Some new booties.
An aero drink bottle.
And a new anatomic seat. Bonus.
For me, 9 rides last year equated to 5 PB’s and 4 good times on new courses…..
Obviously not so great on a few of the hilly circuits (damn you Mr Gee),
nor the 90km length (next time Dr Jerry, Gilbo and FlyingF….)
Nor quite a few now I reflect on it.
But hey, I managed a few cracking good races.
And I felt great a few hours afterwards.
The best thing about Time Trialling is
that it’s all relative to your own goals and fitness.
Set the dial to maximum pain and push Go.
No jostling elbows while leaning into corners at 50km/h with suicidal
15 year old dudes on a hot dog circuit with dodgy brakes…
That’s right comrade!
Just you versus wind resistance
Just you versus that part of your brain that screams
Alone with your slightly pulverised heart which
in turn gains a few microseconds of joy
when it all stops.
Join us!
ATTA season 2012/2013.
Be there, be square,
Be in a lot of pain,
Be a winner
Of sorts.
spoken by nick churchill for nick churchill
proudly brought to you by graylands hospital – “lycra friendly mental care”
well put nick. another bonus for anyone time deprived (aka kids) is
you rock up, get your transponder and go. all over in half an hour, give or take, and your time is on the board and website before you have packed your bike into the car.
here comes the suffering…
Warning – excessive time trialling may cause you to ramble like a madmen…………….refer to above example.