I have been doing some reading into training methods and one of the common themes when looking at how you should train is knowing your Lactate/Power thresholds. A s a result of this I have done some investigation into getting a lactate threshold test done. One place that does this and is set up to do it is UWA. They regularly conduct testing as part of PhD studies, but also offer, for a fee, the assessment to clubs and individuals.
VO2max and lactate threshold assessments are something that is offered through the Centre of Athletic Testing at UWA. Typically the test takes about an hour, with about 30 min or so being spent on the bike completing the assessment. The test is simply a series of workloads (typically 2-3min) that have increasing power output requirements. While you complete the test you are breathing through a series of hoses so that we can measure your oxygen consumption/carbon dioxide production. Also you would have your heart rate and blood lactate (via a small prick in your ear lobe) assessed. Following this you get a report containing all of your main results (VO2max, lactate threshold, test summary, training zone recommendations based on heart rate/power) and an explanation of these results.
The individual assessment costs approx $200. However, UWA have indicated that if we went as a group we could negotiate a better rate.
To this end I am looking for expressions of interest for those that would like to do this at your own cost. The most that you will pay is $200. Leave a comment at the bottom of the page and I will see what we can achieve with a group discount.
Would be *tentatively* interested; we could maybe talk to them about setting it up for repeat testing in a years time (to see improvement etc) and whether or not they can offer even better prices?
Actually, I should qualify for a big discount, I AM a student of their department after all!
Yes please. Lock me in.
Yes! Tentatively interested!
Also tentatively interested!
I am interested.
Very interested!
Yes Interested!
Yes Interested!
Guys, I have a response that they have Sat 8 Dec available and can fit in 7 in a day max. This allows for cleaning down, and set up for the next rider. along with a lunch break for the testers.
They also offer 3 spaces at night. Once I get any more responses, I will let them know how many we have and negotiate a discounted rate and possible annual testing if anyone is interested in that.
I will not be in Perth on the 8th but I am still keen to do the testing. Perhaps a night spot.
The 8th works for me.
Yep, 8th is ok for me.
Still interested but can’t manage the 8th. Maybe a night spot but would prefer another weekend.
+1 I’d be most interested.
Interested – I can do 08/12.
interested, can do the 8th or a night spot. cheers
interested but not on the 8th unless it is the only option
I can do the 8th, but only during the day.
I am unavailable for 8th December. If another day becomes available to catch people not free I’m keen.
FYI. For targeting your training zones (for those without power meter) I found V02/ LT testing invaluable, the report you get from the UWA team is comprehensive and very detailed.
I’m kicking myself for leaving it so long to get tested again !
Definitely interested in this for sure.
I can’t do the 8th unfortunately, but if you can get another date, (before the 7th) then I’ll be there.
is the “probe” involved in this test?
Only if you think it might help you Lennie!
I would be interested, available on the 8th
Yes Interested, but not available on the 8th. If there was a date before then I’d be in.
I’m interested. also ditto I can’t do the 8th I’m going on holiday then. Your probably already asking for other dates so I’ll just wait and see.
I am in too jeff – either the 8th or an evening
I’m keen for an evening spot any night but Thursday’s. Cheers
I’m keen, can make the 8th in the am