brendan nichol has been riding with the club for quite a while. his first ride with us predate’s spr and it was after a sunday hills ride that i discovered that he came from the same home town as me in victoria and knew some of the same bike people. he was at the agm last saturday with his wife jody and his little boy nate. anyway, apparently he was out riding with the total triathlon guys on tuesday morning. what i mean by apparently, is that he has no recollection of most of tuesday. he was in the hills when the group came across and oncoming car on a tight road. the group moved over and somehow people came off (not the cars fault). it seems that brendan managed to save his bike from much damage by landing directly on his head and was knocked out out cold. the group called an ambulance and he was rushed to royal perth with a massive concussion. he spent most of tuesday and wednesday in ICU as he didn’t properly wake up till sometime on wednesday when he was moved to a trauma ward. i went to visit him today and he seems in good spirits. he doesn’t remember much but is also not that sore, just a little fuzzy. jody looks a little frazzled after having a stressful couple of days while brendan blissfully slept. one of the biggest problems was that the other guys on the ride didn’t know him well enough to know who to contact in an emergency. all his emergency details were on his phone which was locked. even when he got to the hospital, they didn’t have enough details and it was lucky that a nurse recognised him and managed to contact jody. anyway, the point is that whenever you are out on your bike, make sure that you have your emergency contact details written down somewhere. i carry an old drivers licence with kate’s details on the back. it has my photo, name and address on it so i can be identified and kate’s phone numbers so she can be called. anyway, brendan should be sent home tomorrow but if you want to leave him a message, do so in the comments below.
agm – have had a pretty busy week and didn’t get a chance to post anything about the agm. all positions were spilled and then refilled with a couple of new committee members. thanks to those that served last year and not renominated. we appreciated your efforts in keeping the club running.
ride routes – lots of complaints about the ride route last week as the wind was quite strong on abernathy road. well i only set the course, not the wind and it is up to you guys to work out which way to roll through to make it easier on yourselves. it’s called learning. anyway, you would have got a tailwind home and a muffin at the agm, so stop complaining.
saturday 23rd march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 6:00am
uci training – spr saturday (uci perry lakes)
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – spr saturday 35.48km (novice shelley)
transitional – spr saturday 40.72km (mosman park)
fast & main groups – spr saturday 51.36km (sth lake)
sunday 24th march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – spr earlybird ride
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
🙁 Lennie was telling me about Brendan this morning, so sorry to hear!!! Take care Brendan I hope you are back to yourself soon…. And your poor wife!!! Hugs
Firstly, here’s hoping that Brendan makes a full and speedy recovery.
I’ve been hospitalised from serious spills on the bike in the past and have made sure that I carry adequate ID since. I can fully recommend RoadID for wrist worn bracelets that clearly identify everything important in a crash situation. Google them for more info.
Sorry to hear, hope he has a speedy recovery, get yourself an Identification tag, you can wear on your ankle with details on who to contact if case the worst happens. Even though you may ride in a group, many people will not who to contact or even your full name. Help others and yourself! Ride safe.
For those of us not as suave as Nico and who don’t know all the nurses in town you can download an ap for your smartphone called Ride ID. Free and easy to use it allows you to detail you ICE contacts on your ‘locked’ homepage without anyone needed a pin.
Top idea, I always carry a licence but forgot for some reason Tuesday. Post up details please as I can recommend this enough. Not that I will wear one on my arm or leg just doesn’t feel right to me but hey App sounds good!
I have it on my iPhone but Lennie has the same one for android. Search through the App store (Ride id)- download – then input details. You then actually take a screenshot of those details and choose to add that screenshot as wallpaper for your loch screen.
It’s also handy if you loose your phone and it gets found by an honest person !
I’ve downloaded the Ride ID app – but you cant get to it through my locked home page. Is there a trick?
Ah – I read the instructions and worked it out. Yay for me!! Now if I can work out how to make a latter I will be sweet!
Sounds like a nasty crash. Good luck with the recovery, take it easy for a while, Brendan.
Really sorry to hear of Brendan’s accident :-(. Here’s wishing you a speedy recovery mate…can’t wait to see your cheeky grin back on our rides.
Gosh, wasn’t sure if the picture posted was real. Good to know you’re okay Nico. I’m sure the helmet paid for itself. Take it easy. And you know, you can now use selective memory as a weapon….”I’m sorry honey, must be that head injury I had 10 years ago. Must have forgotten again that we have a lunch date with your parents….”
Hang in there Brendon and best wishes for a complete and speedy recovery.
It’s never good to be in a room with so many machines and tubes – the less machines and tubes the better I reckon!
But “high-5” to you for being known “on sight” by the nurse ! I like it! (That is of course unless it was a male nurse …:()
Haha yeah it was a male nurse fellow cyclist hehe not the first time Marty has helped me in hospital… Oh well haha
Oh, that’s a bit awkward. I may never look at a nurse’s outfit in the window of Adultshop the same way again… Good luck to you Brendan.
Sounds awful. I wish you a smooth and full recovery.
Thanks peeps its nice reading this from one eye trying to make sense of it, patience was never my strong point but hey could of been slot worse so docs tell me. Better but a lotto ticket unless I’ve used all my luck up.
Thanks for all the well wishes and people dropping in great pick me up. My poor wife has obviously been under the pump while I was “sleeping” hopefully ill be home on the weekend… Thanks.
Best wishes Brendan – great to see that you still have your sense of humor! See you back out on the bike soon.
I’ve told the guys inthe Tranny group a couple of times about having contact details on your person. I use the “Road ID.com” bracelet either around my wrist or ankle with all my contact details. If you have ever been to hospital in an Ambulance they always take your shoes off as well as everything else sometimes when you hit emergency. If the bracelet is on your ankle you avoid tan lines. They don’t cost much and can save you and those concerned a lot of grief afterwards especially if you have a rare blood type, want to be rescusitated or want to be an organ donor? all of that stuff can be put on the bracelet.
Supported. I don’t have a bracelet but always carry an old CWA licence with me, with my phone. And I will put a sticker with ICE phone # on back of the phone too. I used to have ICE # inside helmet but it faded away 🙁
I also used to have a background screen on my phone showing the ICE # even when phone is locked, but I lost the phone in Timor. Just some ideas..
Yep always good to have some contact information on you. As for the bracelet you may not wish to disclose that you have a number of exotic diseases but if you have two heads, it would be handy to know which one people should be talking to. Get well soon.
Shocking news. I hate reading this stuff. Get well soon Nico. Thinking of you and familiy
All the best for a fast and full recovery Brendan.
Brendan, sorry but you’re frontman for sunday’s hill ride so we can all keep an eye on you. SPR safety code, section 10.3.4. You are riding of course?! We can send the wife whisperer over if you need 😉
Glad to see you’re on the mend.
It is hard to hear about a fellow rider coming off their bike and getting hurt, it happens to most of us at some time. I hope your mates that are close can help you out while you recover. Take it easy on your recovery.
Streuth – we haven’t met Brendan, but wishing you a speedy recovery!
Thanks also to those regarding the ride ID application – great idea.
On the lighter side of things – here is a video summarising Saturday’s main 2 ride 8D
hey brendan,
i hope you will have a speedy recovery.take care, and hopefully see you on the bike again soon …
Very sorry to hear about your fall Brendan.
Great you are on the mend, I hope you are up and about now, so Jody can have a rest after her stressful time 🙂
Thanks mate, yeah she was more stressed than I was in the beginning … Another 2 weeks off work, driving and exercise till brain swelling is gone then hopefully my memory will be back to normal and I can ride again…,