Chance to meet a champion!

Come along and meet champion cyclist Sarah Kent.

When:  Sunday July 7th

Time: 12.30pm to 2.30pm

Venue:  Dome Westralia Square, Toby has offered some of his cafe space to get this project up and running so why not come for lunch too.

Cost:  $5 per person

Sarah will talk to about her cycling trip where she navigated 1500 kilometres of terrain through four African countries, with just a few camping supplies on the back of a bicycle.   It’s far from the racing track which saw Sarah Kent become a world champion but she says it proved to be one of the most rewarding challenges in her career to date.

Sarah’s goal was to raise $13,000 to buy 100 new bikes for children who have no other mode of transport to access basics such as schools, hospitals and water supplies in their local community.

Sarah has been competing at a high level of cycling on the track and road for nearly ten years. Ask her any cycling related questions and get your photo taken with Sarah.

If you’re interested in attending then please email Cathi Dixon at

Number are limited so pedal pedal pedal and let Cathi know ASAP.