injuries suck. i woke up on tuesday morning with a slight twinge to my back. headed out for my run as usual as these things generally work themselves out once you get the body warmed up. yeah, that might work with riding, but not running. the constant pounding really aggravated it to the point where i spent the rest of the day in bed on painkillers. rest day on wednesday and then for once the weather is fairly clear and the prospect of a nice dry thursday fast group ride was too hard to resist. the ride was good. we averaged 49.7km/hr along burke drive…but…it may have made my back worse. physio today told me to keep off the bike for a bit and take it easy. yeah, easier said than done. i still may see you on saturday, i need to keep my physio employed. and so how did i manage to injury myself??? by sleeping. no real incident, just slept the wrong way. probably one of the more embarrassing ways to hurt yourself.
ride leaders – still need a couple more leaders for the transitional group. put your name down here.
spr survey – this is your chance to provide feedback to the way that your club is being run as well as us finding out why you have joined us in the first place. please take the time to fill in the club survey as it provides direction for the committee to make decisions about the club. check out the previous post for details.
armadale duathlon – for those that like to bookend their ride with a run, the armadale duathlon is on in october, as per the previous post. spr is looking at having a presence at this event, so if you are interested, sign up and let us know via the blog comments.
spr watertower challenge – it’s on again and we already have a couple of teams registered. go to the event page for more info. download the flyer and email it to all your cycling friends. this is not just for spr members but open to the general public.
uwct finals – the uci masters finals are on this weekend in italy. there are a number of spr riders over there competing, so make sure you wish them well.
ride routes – its looking like saturday morning will be rain free so make sure you get your kms in before it buckets down on sunday.
saturday 21st september
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
transitional – trans reverse river 40.58km spr saturday
fast & main groups – tv stations 50.29km spr saturday
sunday 22nd september
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
short – khna weir 72.23km spr sunday
Great ride today with the fast group. What a great way to start the weekend and fantastic to see so many people stepping up…
We need to be careful to remember the road rules and stay two abreast, even if you are chewing stem to hold Luke’s wheel. At several points on today’s ride, the fast group was riding more than 2 abreast and without any structure. Coming down Wanneroo Rd and Charles St felt more like a bunch sprint with 500m to go than a club group ride.
Don’t get me wrong, I was misbehaving as much as the next guy, but we just need to make sure we do the right thing and don’t bring the green and white jersey into disrepute.