A message from Leigh O
Calling all C grade ladies for this Sunday’s (22nd) Criterium race at Tech Park in Bentley. ‘C grade’ incorporates ladies riding Main 2 – 3. Racing a criterium is hard work, but a very telling tale of where your cycling is at and really rewarding when you are finished the race. It’s a very supportive environment. Cheering is constant and loud! C grade ladies racers are very polite too! Do yourself a favour and bring you, your bike and your swag of courage to Tech Park on Sunday. C grade women’s racing is fun! After you’ve done the 1st one you will be just a little bit hooked and have a tonne of street cred!
We have 3 SPR ladies confirmed for this Sunday’s C grade race, Anke, Sarah Smith and myself. Laurensia is a maybe…Laurensia, you know you want to! We need some more volunteers as we need at least 6 to have our own race, but the more the merrier!.
The race itself goes for 20mins + 2 laps. Total kilometres – 17kms long with 127m in elevation. Easy as! You need a $20 day permit to race, which is on top of your race entry fee…but if it is your first race the club will pay your race entry fee!!! We will meet up on the day and register all together at least 1/2 hr before our race time of 8:50am.
This Saturday afternoon a few of us are heading down to Tech Park to do a few laps of the course and talk about the race and what to bring etc. If you are undecided, please come down to check it out on Saturday. I will help you! Don’t be scared! We are meeting at the start line Tech Park at 4pm (see map link) park up or meet us on the part of Brodie-Hall Drive directly opposite Jarrah Road in Tech Park.
Leave a comment below if you are going to join in the fun!
Leigh love the write up. And the support in that back ground picture
I’m down south for Christmas getting festively plump otherwise I’d give it a crack!!
Laurensia – come on!!! No pressure
Thanks KB, sorry you can’t make it this time…don’t worry, there are another 2 races after this one on the 5th & 12th of January
Merry Christmas!! xx
I’ll have a go ladies hopefully I can at least finish on the lead lap
Good on you Brooke!! You will be awesome!
Great post Leigh. I hope we get some takers. If you usually ride together, this will just feel like a paid group ride going around in a circle….hmmm i’m not selling it am i?! I meant that it’s nothing to be concerned about.
Good luck!
I might have a crack at it. How many have we got so far?
There’s four SPR chicks doing C grade tomorrow…come along Jen and give those sprinters legs a work out :-).
Thanks Marcel. That’s right Anna, nothing to be concerned about

Yep 4 of us so far, Anke, Sarah, Judy & myself. Come & join in the fun Jen! I have extra water, snack & lots of encouragement. Hope to see you this morning