i was talking to cathi the other day and she was saying the in the beginner courses that she runs, it is amazing how many people are not wearing their helmets correctly. it may seem pretty basic (after all you just put it on your head), but if it is not worn correctly, it may not protect you. you often see people riding with it pushed far back so you can see lots of forehead. that is also what the pavement sees when you go over the handle bars. the australian standards are much higher than the us or european standards and they also test each batch of helmets that enter the country. have a look around the carpark before the ride and if you think that someone’s helmet is not on correctly, then politely suggest that they may need to adjust it.
ride leaders – give some of your time to the club by helping out as ride leader. it is important that developing riders understand what is expected of them on our club training rides. there are enough experienced riders in our groups to be able to impart some of their knowledge to the other groups.
teams racing – this year we will be experimenting with a more structured approach to racing. initially focussing on ‘b’ grade men’s, we will attempt to get a teams based style of racing organised. this may mean that you will be required to race for the team win and therefore may have to sacrifice your own chances of glory. more info can be found on the previous post and you can put your name in the comments if you are interested.
2014 spr agm – on the 22nd march we will be holding our annual general meeting. please see the post on the blog or (if you are a member or expired member) you will receive more info via email.
beginners course – if you are new to cycling, maybe look at the a beginners course first. see the previous post for info on what one of our club members, cathi dixon, is running.
ride routes – last week there was an experiment of sorts with the formation of main 4. this was aimed at providing another step for those that are finding the tranny ride too easy, but the main 3 ride too fast. remember that we often split groups up for safety reasons, so if the trannies and the main 3 groups are getting too big, then you need to self seed into groups of similar abilities. it is good to test yourself, but please be realistic of your own abilities as it often means that the ride leaders need to do extra work to keep the group together.
saturday 15th march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 6:00am
uci training – more info here
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
transitional – trans shelley 40.59km spr saturday
fast & main groups – south lake 51.99km spr saturday
sunday 16th march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
short – brktn weir 82.89km spr sunday
Is there any way i can download the routes as a GPX file without having a Garmin device?
Happy to lead a M4 Group if there is interest.
Hi John,
Chris and I will be keen for M4 again 🙂
me too John 😀
UCI laps this Saturday:
Slight change to proceedings: 1 lap as a group: 7 laps ‘race simulation’/smaller groups/at own pace.
2 weeks to go to the UCI/NSR races, so this will be the last hard Perry Lakes hit-out for many training for those events.
Last week, there were lots of strong riders keen to get going, hence the second and third group laps being sub 12mins 30 seconds (38km/hr). The group was also quite large, making the roll-throughs and getting back on after corners problematical. Not much racing on this weekend either, even by Crit standards, so there may well be a few wanting a harder session. So we’ll split early.
I’ll be tapering (physically and mentally) by March 22, so will be avoiding Perry Lakes and its environs so as to be refreshed for the 29th. Plenty of others know the drill if some want some last minute action.
for those wanting even more intensity after 7 hot laps on saturday there’s been quite a bit of rallying going on around the place to have a hard hit out at the Peel Districts crit this sunday morning down at Kwinana Motorplex – http://pdcc.asn.au/events/summer-criterium-series-201314-2014-03-16/