Okay, so I know that the dust hasn’t even settled yet on last weekend’s cycling extravaganza but we need to start thinking about the Goldfields Cyclassic. The event is only about 10 weeks away and because of the nature of the trip we have a reasonable amount of logistical stuff to do. We need to get a good idea of the number of people who are wanting to go…
For those unfamiliar with the event have a look at the website here, or look back at some of the write-ups from last year’s trip on the blog;
Goldfields Cyclassic Race Report – Andrew Williams
Goldfields Cyclassic Race Report – Greg Murray
Goldfields Cyclassic Race Report – John Kitching
Goldfields Cyclassic Race Report – Alistair Dickinson
Goldfields Cyclassic Support Report – Travis Kean

Pretty much everyone who went last year had a blast…and we’ll have another big group going this year!
Last year’s trip went really well so we’ll closely replicate that, but we’ll stay the Sunday night in Kal this year. The rough plan is that we will travel up to Kalgoorlie by mini-bus on the Friday, base ourselves at the Goldfields Camp School, race/ride on the Saturday and Sunday, and return to Perth on the Monday (which is a public holiday). The cost per person is likely to be in the region of $175 for the bus hire and accommodation (3 nights) but we’ll have a better idea when we know numbers.
We just need an indication of interest at this point in time so either leave a comment below, or if you’d like to ask us a question send us an email to race@southperthrouleurs.com.au. We’ll also need a few ‘non-riders’ to provide support, so if you have a significant other who’d like to come too let us know.
Expressing my interest!
I’m a significant other but will be riding the classic. Such a great, fun and well organised event. Get on board girls!
I’m in and Fiona will probable also come up as well
I’d definitely be keen as long as I don’t have an exam pop up!
I’m in
Graham & Anke expressing our interest… with a reasonable degree of trepidation & apprehension on Graham’s behalf! 🙁
We will look after you Graham. You will be great.
Done deal. We’ve both registered…
Wow, that write up by the skinny bearded guy convinced me. Urhm.
It’s yes from Greg and a likely for significant other.
Suzie (will not be riding, but supporting) and heiko (will be riding and will need support)
Right Andrew, I’m interested. Negotiations are ongoing regarding Sandra & the 3 boys coming along, in which case I won’t be on the bus. If Sandra & the kids come then we’ll drive. No chance of Sandra plus boys following the race! I may yet get the boys into bike racing, though their soccer may scupper plans on this occasion…
They were quite excited helping out on Saturday
keen, pending employment status.
I’m keen.
Looks good – interested. Gaz is also keen
Interested as well
I’m very interested.
I’m interested with a plus one
I’m jumping on this.
Oh yeah I’ve been encouraging my friends to go to this event. I had the best time last yr. Supporting a great club and my friends .
I’m happy to help out again. Bus driving, massage, handing out food , bottles and smiles… Just supporting a great group of people.
So yes please, one that’s me. 🙂
I’m interested too
I have an interest in this.
I have to agree with Mr.Beardman
Sigh. Can’t a man express a desire to visit the fine city of Kalgoorlie without being ridiculed?
Im interested! 🙂
I’m keen!
Yep interested and will probably drive up to Kal on the Fri if all goes to plan. +1 spectator/support.
Keen and working on the fitness!
Kean and interested. I want to ride this year, not do support.
Hi All , I’m keen to be part of the support crew . I’d love to be able to help out on that weekend .
Hi very interested but currently out of country till the 18 th, please note that I have been enjoying the fine American food for the last 6 weeks and my shirts are getting quite tight nearly popping the buttons off
2 questions: Is everyone just registering as individuals or does SPR have some Teams? And also, do you all normally book for the dinner on Saturday night? Gimme the low down! 🙂
Just register as an individual Gra…if you are racing, that is.
We haven’t got as far as booking dinner on the Saturday night, but that might be a good idea when we have got firm numbers. You can be social director for the trip, okay? 🙂
Paid up! C grade
Can’t get enough of the place?? 🙂 Will you be needing a seat on the bus and a bed at the camp school?
Very interested in this