Calling out all South Perth Rouleurs to a famous Dome breakfast!
The next Dome breakfast will be on Saturday 20 September 2014 at Dome Westralia Plaza after the main ride from 8:40am. This costs $15 (please bring exact cash!) and will get you a hot drink and access to the famous Dome SPR breakfast buffet.
Many thanks to Toby for hosting this event!
Please RSVP to the breakfast in the comments section below so that no one goes hungry!
SPR Social Committee (Laurensia, Heiko, Amanda, Carol & Graham)
The Boss and I will be there.
Oooooh yeah baby – yes please!!
Yes please i’m in
Yay I can make it this year, I’m in!
I was wrong, cancel my seat please I’m away this sat!!
When does the breakfast stop sometimes I get back a bit late, cheers.
Yes thanks, I’m in.
yep me and paul are in
Yes, I’m in for breakfast.
Michelle and Michael would like to be included too please.
Count me in.
2 please
Hi please book for Shane, jane, Dhan and Solomon
1 here
In for 2.
suzie and myself will be there…
x1 pls
Add me please
Count us in for 2.
PS I have a CamelBak water bottle I borrowed one Sunday ride ~2 months ago that I will bring to the B/fast…… hoping the owner will collect?
1 here!
yes please!
Yes please… Graham & Anke
Yes I’m in
1 here
+ 1 please
1 for me please
Mr Legs + 2 please.
In for 1
Apologies for any inconvenience-I will have to cancel tomorrow morning. Regards Jane
I’m in