After dying an apparent slow death over winter, Wednesday morning “UCI” Kings Park laps are back ready for summer. We have slightly changed the route to improve safety.
We will descend Cardiac Hill (Forrest Drv) and then turn left onto Park Ave as usual. We will NOT TURN into Kings Park ave as previous and WILL NOW TURN LEFT INTO CRAWLEY AVE to return to Mounts Bay Rd. Have a look below:

A reminder of the ground rules
1) Lap 1 of 3 is a warm up ridden together with roll-throughs.
2) Laps 2 and 3 are a free for all EXCEPT the Crawley Ave/Mounts Bay Rd Corner. This will be “neutralised” as it is a very dangerous corner.
3) Absolutely no running red lights!
4) Coffee after at DOME!
That’s a sensible change to the course on to Mounts Bay Rd – less steep and more visibility. Last week there was four – would be good to see some more : )