It’s time to unveil the much anticipated new club kit for 2015!!!
The club’s kit sub-committee has been working very hard behind the scenes, debating kit philosophy, evaluating suppliers, discussing logistics, and finally working on designs. We’ve done the best job we can and hope that members will be pleased with the direction we have taken.

We are very close to being ready to accept our first orders, but to get the ball rolling, here’s a taste of what you will all be wearing next season.
The new kit will be manufactured by Cannibal. Those of you who have been around for a while will know that this was our previous kit supplier. There were a couple of reasons that we moved away from Cannibal for the last kit but we have been working with them and they have fixed these issues, so we are very pleased to get them back on board.
Cannibal produce a very high quality product, and significantly they make all of their kit here in Australia. The stuff has also proven that it lasts…you’ll regularly see Micheal Bonner getting around in SPR Cannibal kit from five or six years ago!
There will be sizing kit available to try on at our unofficial clubhouse (Dome Westralia Plaza) for the next couple of weeks after our Saturday morning ride. There will also be kit sub-committee members on hand to answer any questions you might have.
Information on ordering will be available within the next fortnight so stay tuned…

Question: Have we moved away from having sponsors on the Club kit, or is this going to be added once the sponsors are finalised?
The committee has made the decision to move away from sponsorship on the kit for a couple of reasons. In the first instance it removes the need to change the kit every 2 years to please new sponsors, but it also means that sponsorship monies can be channelled into other areas of need such as the promotion of the ride leaders program.
Thanks Andrew, and forgot to add that the KitCom have a hard job pleasing everyone, and do a great job. I think it looks good…clean and neat. There are obviously reasons for going back to Cannibal, and I look forward to seeing and trying the new kit.
To note: Mr Bonner gave up the nerve endings in his backside years ago in order to ride as much as he does….sold his soouul to th’ Devil!!!!!!
A little hyperbolic, Rob. I’m fairly sure I would have traded my soul for more than a desensitised posterior. Aim high, I say.
Nice, clean and simple. Great job again Kit committee.
I already know my size.
Nice kit
Robert Johnson just wanted to play the Blues; you are an international superstar athlete….Shame on your modesty; shaaamme!
I saw it and liked it. I tried on a XXXL size to find that it’s too small. I wish these manufacturers would standardize their sizing. Anywhere else I would comfortably fit a XXL.
ITS ALL ABOUT THE BASS NOT TREBLE. I just wish the manufacturers would use real people to measure up their sizes properly. Rant over.
Hi Shane,
The guys were saying that the sizing kit they had at Dome this morning was a “race” cut style and that a more relaxed “club” cut will be available at time of ordering.
Maybe check the Cannibal web page for more info and likely size differences between the two cuts
we are getting the other style sent over so it should be here next weekend. that was the elite cut that we got sent. we discussed asking for the other and realised that we would run out of time, so just went with the elite for now. we will find something to fit you.
Well done Kit Committee ………its a winner!
Think I will just have to sell my soul like Mr Bonner and move back to Perth – just so I can get my hands on some of this new clobber!!
Kit looks great! Excellent solution to dark/light kit debate 🙂
Looks great! I like the minimalist look.