Unfortunately the end of the 2014 and the start of 2015 have not been kind to a couple of SPR Riders. On New Year’s Eve, Davina Summers was involved in a crash, with a car running into her, and then on New Year’s Day Mike Bonner suffered a similar fate doing a warm down in King’s Park after the public holiday ride.
In Davina’s case, she was hit from behind after taking off from the Tonkin Hwy and Morley Drive lights and knocked off her bike. She was fortunate that a few cars back there were police (not traffic police but police all the same). Davina was in shock so the police spoke with the driver, taking details etc. Davina is rather bruised and sore from the thud of crashing and frustrated given the hard yards she’s been doing lately in preparation for the NRS season. Luckily, she was able to walk away from her crash.
Mike was not so fortunate. He was behind a car in King’s Park, when it suddenly made a U Turn. Mike hit the driver’s side door full on and ended up on the road after tumbling across the car. His helmet is in pieces and he’s nursing a few bruises. He is currently in Royal Perth Hospital and is waiting on an operation to repair damage to his neck. He can move his arms and legs but needs to be immobilised until the operation. He’s in good spirits, although is feeling very sore and sorry. We will keep people updated on Mike’s progress.
In the context of the above-mentioned incidents, this serves as a timely reminder for all members to renew their SPR memberships for 2015. As well as the usual benefits that membership offers (helping support the club, able to purchase kit etc.), all paid up members are covered by Cycling Australia Insurance. Whilst this insurance will not cover all expenses associated with accidents, it will assist if you are unlucky enough to be involved in an accident. Full details of the policy can be found here. Note that members of other Cycling Australia clubs, Triathlon WA, Mountain Bike Australia, BMX Australia and Audax are covered by similar insurance levels. These members can join SPR as Social Members, which gives them access to member benefits and they are able to purchase club kit. Full details of club membership options and details of how to renew are found here.
There was a scary incident yesterday on the hills ride in Bickley Valley. After splitting on Welshpool Rd, the long and short groups crossed paths again at the intersection of Lawnbrook and Glenisla in Bickley Valley.
Three of us were coming down Lawnbrook Rd at a fair speed, when a group of about 5 short riders arrived at the intersection from Glenisla, stopped, looked, and then headed out straight in front of us. Lots of braking and swerving meant a near miss, instead of a pile-up.
I know that motorists don’t always pay attention to bicycles, but we expect cyclists to be extra vigilant; particularly towards our own club members. Lets all try harder this year.
This morning I renewed my SPR membership, so at least I’m now insured
I am happy to share what I have learned from my own car/cycling accident on 22/03/2014 (Robson/Hennessy Canning Hwy) to those who have recently had accidents about the ICWA process, Solicitor / Barrister selection, WA Police process/interaction, CA Insurance bike and income claims, Magistrates Court Summons, Physios and Orthopaedic surgeons. I stress that I am not a lawyer/solicitor, but believe I can provide some useful insights into the pitfalls/process that may be helpful to those who have had a serious accident involving an ICWA claim. Please contact me on 0401 279 839 if you want to talk over a coffee. I started my own rehab riding/comeback as of 1/01/15 under the supervision of my orthopedic surgeon/physio. During my rehab, SPR committee and members have been enormously supportive for which I am eternally grateful. Get well soon…..