march is looking to be a very busy time for bike events. we are holding the state criterium champs later in the month, the giro d’perth is on for those that don’t want to race, the uwct is on at the end of the month for those older folk that do want to race, plus we have our club agm and breakfast. as mentioned last week, bike week is on mid march with lots of bike related activities. get on it and encourage others to do the same.
ride leaders – support the club and help us become ambassadors for the sport in the public eye. put your name down as ride leader to ensure that the group ride is safe and organised. sign up here.
ride leaders sponsorship – this months ride leaders are proudly sponsored by Retul Bike Fit Lab. please see the previous post detailing what they provide and we thank them for encouraging our members to step up as ride leaders. ride leaders will receive a $10 Dome voucher to be used after the saturday ride. if you have a business that you want to promote to our members, check out the previous post to both promote your business and help out the club.
spr agm & breakfast – saturday march 21st will be our next club breakfast and will incorporate the club agm. all positions are wiped each year, so if you would like to help the club, please see the previous post for more details.
rules of engagement – please read the previous post if you come out on any of our rides. it is up to all members to enforce these rules.
accident report form – as a member, if you are unfortunate enough to have an accident on your bike, please use the form attached on the previous post. this covers both insurance claims and allows the club to better manage it’s risk.
spr club champion – if you are racing this year, check out the spr club champion points system. there are two categories, those who race in spr kit and a separate one for those that race in a team kit (for both men and women). check out the previous post for more details.
giro d’perth – now in its 3rd year the giro d’perth will take you to new places, share new secrets and be the best fun on a bike all autumn. south perth supports this event and helps run it, so if you are looking for something different in march have a look at this event. it is a great opportunity to get some family members involved in cycling without making them do a group ride. check out the website for more details.
uwct training ride – this will now be a regular fixture on our sunday mornings until the event at the end of march. starting at 6am to avoid the traffic, this is a ride for those intending to do the uwct qualifier. this is a ride for experienced hills riders, the pace is fast and the hills are long. if you are thinking of doing the uwct event, but are not at the sunday long hills ride pace yet, i would recommend that you start with the sunday short hills ride first. more info can be found on the previous post.
ride routes – it’s the first saturday of the month, so it’s ladies day at spr. there will be a ladies only fast group ride as well as a ladies only main 2 ride. open to anyone. flat and fast this week with a strong easterly to blow you home.
saturday 7th march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
transitional –trans benara 39.90km spr saturday
ladies fast and main 2 – benara rd 50.76km spr saturday
fast & main groups – benara rd 50.76km spr saturday
sunday 8th march
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
ride starts at coode st carpark at 6:00am
uwct training – uwct training 107.2km spr sunday
beginner dams training – somewhere
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
short – grnmt goose 65.22km spr sunday
Looks like the links to upload the rides have dropped out?
sorry, liam. my bad. all fixed now.
Hey all,
It was SPR chicks main 2 ride. It was a great ride… until…. we caught up to the usual main 2 group. I don’t like to winge or complain. BUT… I encourage that particular group to read the ride etiquette rules. We were passed while rolling through.. no calling…. very dangerous. THEN I witnessed on more than 5 occasions, three-four abreast riding (with our group behind). The most significant event was up a small hill. I saw one rider on a two lane road go four abreast… into the right lane with a car right up his jaxie. I witnessed two particular riders riding up between the two lines of riders… scary stuff. Hence our fast chicks ride was then disappointing. I felt unsafe as did many of us. AND remember guys… ur riding SPR kit so the very dodgy riding practices represent our club. Sorry for the rant (and a bit late…. been busy). Respect our El Prez and fellow riders.
Enjoy the weekend!