so gary pennefather is now out of sedation and has been moved from icu into the trauma ward. this week he started seeing visitors and a number of close riding buddies were informed so we could see how things went. he really appreciates the visits as they help pass the time when all he can do is lie on his back. we are now opening it up to anyone who knows him that wants to visit. he is in the trauma ward of royal perth and visiting hours are 9-1 and 3-8. please be aware that he still has significant injuries from a major trauma and this can be quite confronting for most people. although, he would appreciate the visit, he also understands that some people can feel uneasy visiting in hospital. he told me today that he will soon be moving to fiona stanley as they have a better rehab section, so this may be more convenient for some people. as his recovery will be a very long process we, as a club, will be supporting him as much as we can. as such on the right sidebar of the blog you will see a donate fundraiser button. please donate what you can to help his recovery as it may be quite a while before he is back at work.
to the accident itself. we haven’t been talking much about the details and have been concentrating on supporting gary. the short version is that on a tricky descent, he misjudged his speed on sharp corner and ended up on the wrong side of the road with a car coming the other way. the car driver did nothing wrong and obviously was quite shaken up by the event. although these are club training rides and we do whatever we can to ensure that they are as safe as possible, you need to be aware of the course, the conditions and your own abilities. we will now be changing that ride route to a safer one, but people still need to take care to avoid putting themselves in a risky situation. stay safe.
ride leaders – support the club and help us become ambassadors for the sport in the public eye. put your name down as ride leader to ensure that the group ride is safe and organised. sign up here.
ride leaders sponsorship – May’s Ride Leaders are proudly sponsored by Forever Living Products. please see the previous post detailing what they provide and we thank them for encouraging our members to step up as ride leaders. ride leaders will receive a $10 Dome voucher to be used after the saturday ride. if you have a business that you want to promote to our members, check out the previous post to both promote your business and help out the club.
giro d’italia dinner – it’s on again, this years first SPROOLERS event. celebrating the running of the giro in italy we will be having an italian night on the 19th may. see the previous post for more details and add your name to that blog post if you are coming.
friday development ride – this ride has been put together to help develop anyone that wants to participate in the swan valley cyclo-sportif later in the year. not aimed at those that are already racing, this is to help get people used to the type of riding required for a cyclo. see the previous post for more details.
goldfields cyclassic – two massive days of racing in kalgoorlie with up to $20,000 in the prize pool. if you are up for it this year, we are organising a transport and accommodation package for club members. see the previous post for more details.
club coaches – the club has a few home grown coaches that can help you improve your cycling. whether you are at the transitional level or wanting to make the jump into “a” grade, there is something for you. check out the previous post for more details.
rules of engagement – please read the previous post if you come out on any of our rides. it is up to all members to enforce these rules.
ride routes – well it is starting to cool off a bit in the mornings, but the days are just perfect for riding. make the most of your weekend and get a few k’s in. just don’t forget it is mothers day on sunday (so we scheduled a shorted long hills ride so you can get home in time).
saturday 9th may
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
transitional – trans shelley 40.59km spr saturday
fast & main groups – south lake 51.99km spr saturday
sunday 10th may – mothers day
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
short – wlsh weir 62.23km spr sunday
long – wlsh obs kal 90.32km spr sunday
monday 11th may
ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am
main group – south stock 33.76km spr monday
tuesday 12th may
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)
ride starts frasers carpark at 5:45am
development group – interval training kings park
wednesday 13th may
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
spr wednesday 14.22km (uci masters)
ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am
development group – stock road repeats
thursday 14th may
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30arm
spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)
ride starts frasers carpark at 5:45am
development group – interval training kings park
friday 15th may
ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am
It looks like the ride leader spreadsheet doesn’t go into May, so can’t put name down. I’ll take out the trannies.