Calling out all South Perth Rouleurs to a famous Dome breakfast!
The next quarterly breakfast will be on Saturday 13 June 2015 at Dome Westralia Plaza after the main ride from 8:40am. This costs $15 per person (please bring exact cash!). It will get you a hot drink and access to the famous Dome SPR breakfast buffet.
Many thanks to Mr Toby Brown for hosting this event!
Please RSVP to the breakfast in the comments section below so that no one goes hungry!
SPR Social Committee (Laurensia, Belinda, Heiko, Amanda, Carol & Graham)
Count me in
I’m in!
I’ll be there
Yes please!
I’ll be there, thank-you!
I will be there…alas Amanda will not. She will be up in the hills getting ever stronger…
yes please.
Yep. Graham & Anke are in.
Yes please
Please count me in
In for one.
I’ll be there
Count me as well.
Yep, I’ll be there
Please count me in!
One for me.
Add me to the list please.
one for me plz.
Count Gin and I in!
Me please!