Interest. Expressions of. Margaret River. Tour of. Yes indeed……..
Do you:
- Hold a Cycling Australia Race licence with SPR?
- Ride with the SPR as a member on our Club Rides IN CLUB KIT?
- Want to have the ride of your life in green?
SPR has a number of team places allocated by the organisers this year in the Women’s and Men’s categories. We are now opening expressions of interest to Club Members. Do we have a deal for you!
Now, understand there are some expectations if you are intending on registering interest. The Club fronts up cold hard cash for deposits for our team Rego and accommodation. There is also a huge amount of organising done behind the scenes by the Race and Main SPR Committee – as in hours and hours that could otherwise be spent riding with you. So we have a few biggies:
- ToMR is a commitment – if you nominate you need to commit to the event
- Nominees are expected to volunteer as support at one SPR event this year
- We are creating a “squad” initially, with graded teams to be selected by the APRC
- Expected to attend group ToMR sessions and race at lead up events (Collie-Donnybrook, Pinjara Classic, Beverley Handicap RR) to assist in grading teams.

We also want VOLUNTEERS – for both the SPR teams, and some extra special ToMR Official Roles. What’s needed first up?
- Email your EOI with your name and mobile number to;
- Attend the EOI session at Dome Westralia Plaza after Saturday Main Rides at 09:30 am this week or next week.
We’ll cover this at each of the Dome sessions. And the “Disclaimer” stands: as always, selections and decisions are at the discretion of the All-Powerful Race Committee (aka APRC).

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