does the mo know??? of course the mo knows. what does the mo know??? well the mo knows when a photographer like zac williams is on course and knows where to position the bike for maximum exposure. the mo knows that the secret to a great cycling shot is the pre-preening of one’s mustache before an attack. the mo knows that putting the hard yards in now will put you in better stead for the upcoming beverley race that the club will be running in october. and a good race will put you in better stead for the tour of margs in november. the mo also knows that riding a bike on the road can be a harrowing experience, but it doesn’t have to be. a journalist recently decided to save money by biking to work and found out that it is not always nice to be on the receiving end. it is unfortunate that more drivers haven’t spend time on the bike to understand what a rider can go through on a daily basis. empathy and compassion are not a sign of weakness, but proof you are a human being. read the full article here.
ride leader sponsor – there is no ride leader sponsor for september. if you would like to promote your business through our website, please contact the club via email and we can send you details about what is involved. thank-you to all the business’ that have supported the club over the past few years.
ToMR 2018 – The SPR ToMR squad has been recovering from last weeks’ TTT session, mainly due to chasing Elar’s wheel.
This week is the LAST CHANCE to order SPR kit before the ToMR event, so make sure you get your order in before Saturday 15th September!
The Beverley 2018 –The annual call out for volunteers has been announced for The Beverley. SPR runs the Saturday Handicap race, and then assists with volunteer manning for the Sunday Heroic Rides. This event depends on the SPR Community, and getting involved is a blast.
We are half way to our required volunteer manning for Saturday. ToMR Squad members – you are expected to volunteer for one of the two days!
Refer to the PREVIOUS POST and get your email responses in to race@SPR to register your interest
ride leader training – the ride leader program that we have developed has given our club an extra dimension of organisation and stability. it has been recognised by other clubs for the positive impact that it brings to club training rides and as such has been adopted outside of spr. if you want to be involved and give something back to the club, then check the previous post about the current expression of interest in the next training block. the more leaders we have, the less frequently those leaders will be rostered on. you also get a cool jersey.

spr kit order – the latest order for spr kit closes this weekend. if you have signed up for the tomr you will need to purchase a club kit in order to compete. make sure you get your orders in now as it will be the last one for the year. check out the club kit page for instructions on how to order.
entertainment books – we will again be selling entertainment books this year through the club. the digital version means you don’t have to carry around a bulky book anymore. check out the links on the previous post to find out more.
saturday start locations – we have revamped the group start locations on saturday morning. please have a look at the map so you know where your group will congregate. this makes it easier for ride leaders to give you a briefing before the ride starts. see the previous post for more details.

spr juniors – we have started our saturday juniors rides and we will be ridng again this week as long as the weather holds out. this is for kids 10-15 yrs old and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. the route is listed below and involves laps in kings park. it will be between 25-30kms by the time you get back to the carpark, so ensure your kids can cope with that.
from the ride coordinator – As we return to warmer sunnier mornings our numbers will start building back up to our summer peak numbers. Please remember our priority is always riding safely, sometimes that means a bit of patience, and putting the interests of the group ahead of your individual training needs. Communication is key, as is riding in a controlled and predictable way.
saturday 15th september
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
juniors (10 – 15 yrs with parent) – kings park juniors 23.72km spr saturday
development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
transitional 1/2 – trans abernethy 39.96km spr saturday
fast/main – holmes rd 50.42km spr saturday
sunday 16th september
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am
development group – coffee ride
short – brktn weir 82.89km spr sunday
long – carr peet obs 97.72km spr sunday
monday 17th september
ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am
south stock 33.76km spr monday
tuesday 18th september
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
spr tuesday 36.37km (river ride)
ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am
development group – interval training kings park
wednesday 19th september
ride starts raffles bike path at 5:30am
interval training – stock road repeats
thursday 20th september
ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
see previous post for ride groups
spr thursday 37.26km (cott & freo)
ride starts frasers ave at 5:45am
development group – interval training kings park
friday 21st september
ride starts under the narrows (sth perth side) at 5:30am