so, as many of you may have seen, the spr kit committee has been tasked with reviewing our current kit, for both supplier and design. we have had the current design for around 5 years now and it has served us well to create the club identity. last order, however, very few people were purchasing kit, whether due to saturation limits, or brand, comfort/fit, etc.
it was decided to do a full review and tender out to the wider supplier base as well as our current supplier cannibal. the kit committee developed a supply requirements list of 12 points covering everything from sizing kits, order frequency, delivery options and online ordering.
instead of going out to different companies, we requested that if you knew someone in the industry, to get them to contact the club for a requirements list to tender against. in the end the following companies (alphabetically) submitted a tender –
- Ale Cycling
- Cannibal In-sport
- Champion Systems
- Mayeur
- Pedal Mafia
- Pedalare Cycling
- Santini
- Vermarc
we also sent a list to Presto, but they said that they couldn’t match our requirements, so we thank them for their honesty and professionalism.
as you can see there were a number of international as well as domestic companies that submitted. each outlined how they would meet our list as well as what range they could supply and what we would expect on price. the kit committee reviewed this as well as received feedback from others in the club of fit and quality from end users.
after a long process, and many discussions, the kit committees recommendation (which was endorsed by the spr committee) was to move forward with Mayeur as the new supplier.
Mayeur is a small local business with links back to spr. both the owners tom and john are spr members and therefore understand what is involved with supplying kit to a large club base. their tender went above the requirements list and offered a dedicated bike shop partner for sizing and collection of orders. this means that there will be no more coffee shop distribution as you can head to a shop front during usual trading hours (including weekends).
price was also competitive, as were most of the tenders, but it is the understanding of how we operate and a willingness to streamline our workflows that got them over the line. we do thank the other companies for their tenders and especially thank cannibal for being our partner for such a long period of time.
next steps are currently in play and we are working on a new design to hopefully be presented soon. this will coincide with a sizing kit supply which will be permanently located in one of perth’s premier bike shops. once this is all ready to go, an online portal will be activated and orders will be placed until around the end of the month. initially we will not be offering a full range of gear and are currently looking at 2 monthly orders, so you will be able to get winter gear next order.
we look forward to seeing how the clubs look will change in the future and also to growing together with Mayeur.
Awesome job Andrew et al