As per the premier’s announcement last night, the restrictions on Perth will be eased at 6pm tonight (Friday). This means that we are no longer limited to the 1 hour exercise, with housemates only, within a 5km radius of your home and fully masked up. What we will be moving to is a week of transition. A week where business’s can open and community sport can resume albeit with some limitations. We still have a week of masks, but you do not have to wear one during vigorous exercise. This means that we will resume group rides and during the rides you DO NOT have to wear a mask. However, before and after the rides, if you are standing around talking you MUST have a mask on. If you are going to the coffee shop afterwards, you MUST have a mask. So therefore, if you are going to come on one of our group rides, you MUST have a mask with you. We understand that some people may not be comfortable with group riding yet, and that choice is yours to make, but political statements or conspiracy theories about masks or Covid-19 will not be tolerated. If you want to ride, bring a mask with you. Let us negotiate through this week and hopefully we can then enjoy another 10 months of semi-normal lifestyle.
The Rules – just a reminder that it isn’t business as usual.

As we progress through WA’s phased approach to reopening, how the club interacts within itself and the wider community will also change.
Rightly or wrongly, the lack of community transmission in the state has meant that a lot of the social distancing rules have disappeared. As such we want to streamline what the requirements are from a club perspective. Basically there are 3 main things we want people to keep in mind.
- The virus can spread via human contact, so minimise the amount of touching between people and each others bikes/helmets etc.
- No spitting, snotting or sneezing within the group. If you need to, move to the back of the group, but please look behind you to make sure that it is clear of traffic. That is all traffic, not just bikes. We don’t want some dash-cam footage of someone blowing their nose on a car.
- Personal hygiene becomes very important in the spread of the virus so make sure that you either wash your hands whenever you can or carry a small container of hand sanitiser. Limit your exposure to common surfaces (chairs, tables) and don’t be sharing items.

Transition week – The period between full lock-down and what we had before is our current transition week. Most places will be open, but masks will be required when not doing vigorous exercise. Community sport for up to 150 people is allowed and we can travel outside our neighbourhood for more than an hour. This is a small price to pay for the freedoms that we have been allowed especially in relation to other countries or even other states. One more week of positive outcomes and we can return to the lifestyle which we have grown accustomed to.

SafeWA registration – As the state opens up to more interstate travelers, the risk of community spread could possibly increase. Contact tracing is an important way to contain the virus in case it finds it’s way into the community. If you want to sit down for a coffee you must register your details at that premises. There are 2 ways to do this, register on a paper form, or scan a QR code on an app.
So, how do i get the app? Download the WA Government free app – SafeWA and sign up as an individual.
– Android users click here
– Apple phone users click here
We have had it pretty good in WA so far. Lets make sure that we can open up safely.

SPR kit – The latest run of the kit is ready to collect from R&D Speedshop or has already been mailed out to you (depending on what you selected). If you did miss out on that last order, or have realised that by the time the next order arrives the weather will be colder, then the next order closes on the 1st March. The portal is open now and more info can be found on the club kit page.

AusCycling Memberships – As of November last year, Cycling Australia ceased to exist and AusCycling was formed to combine multiple disciplines of cycling together. To be part of the national organisation, our club has joined Auscycling and memberships and renewals are now available though it. As such we have updated the memberships page to reflect the membership types and approximate costs. There are now 4 types of licence – Lifestyle, Race off-road, Race all discipline & Non riding. On top of this there is also a Club Add-On where you can join SPR if you are a member of another club, like Peel or RCCC. This is similar to our Extraordinary membership (which still exists for other orgs) but has been formalised a bit.

Our commitment to Core Values – We are a diverse club that made a point early on of committing to a number of core values to which we have built everything upon. These are – Safe, Inclusive, Organised & Social. It is under these values that we want all club interaction to occur, whether on the road or in cyberspace. Please read the previous post so you understand what we as a club, expect from you as members.

Saturday Start Locations – In order to facilitate any expected changes to gathering rules, the Saturday start location were modified when group riding resumed in 2020. We still want to maintain the separation between groups as much as possible and as such will continue to start the fast and main 1 on one side of the carpark with main 2-3, trannies & novice on the other. If you are new to our Saturday group rides, click on the photo to see where each group needs to congregate.
From the Ride Coordinator – They say a week is a long time in politics, well politics has got nothing when your under restrictions of a pandemic. But with restrictions easing enough to open up a ride and the community shutting down to prepare for a deep low to hit, is anything normal anymore. Whilst not exactly the same, we are delighted to advise that we will be running our rides (not quite under normal conditions) this weekend for those who want to brave the conditions. So if you’ve been cooped up or on Zwift all week, this may be your first chance to ride in a while. Enjoy it, but please ride safely and in line with regulations.
Note: Dome will be open at the end of the ride, but please understand that masks will need to be worn after the ride, you will need to have the QR scanning code and there is the 4sqm rule reapplied so please be aware of these things.
Please note that this weekend’s Sat Hills ride option will be delayed until next weekend.
Saturday 6th February
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special
- Hills ride starts at Coode st carpark at 6:30am
- Short Hills –
- All rides start at Coode st carpark at 7:00am
- Development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
- Transitional 1/2 – trans shelley 40.59km spr saturday
- Fast, Main – canning vale & welshpool 49.74km spr saturday
Sunday 7th February
- Rides start at Coode st carpark at 6:00am
- Development group – coffee ride
- Short – zig zag, aldersyde 71.79km spr sunday
- Long – zig zag, chook, obs 86.79km spr sunday
Monday 8th February
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am
Tuesday 9th February
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Ride starts Frasers ave at 5:45am
- Development group – interval training kings park
Wednesday 10th February
- Ride starts Raffles bike path at 5:30am
- Interval training – stock road repeats
Thursday 11th February
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Ride starts Frasers ave at 5:45am
- Development group – interval training kings park
Friday 12th February
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am