This week is a farewell of sorts. Not forever, but this Saturday is Julian Johnson’s final stint as a Ride Leader before he heads south more permanently.
Many of you will know that the club’s long-standing Vice President β responsible for the SPR Vice President’s Good Friday Ride, the use of zinc by cyclists and the reputation for gloriously mismatched kit β purchased a property in Nannup that promised excellent riding along with some not unpleasant views (see below).
For some time now, Julian and Vanessa have split time between Perth and Nannup, but with the perfect job offer coming his way, Julian is heading south to live and work.
All the best Julian!!

SPR Tour of Margaret River 2023 Kit Launch β This evening saw the launch of SPR’s TOMR kit for 2023, modelled by the club’s Mr Race Subcommittee himself, Steve Burns. There will be lots of green at TOMR this year π

Racing this weekend β If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.
Juniors Ride β No Juniors Ride this weekend unfortunately. Check back next week.
From the Ride Coordinator β More great weather this weekend, and it’s crunch time for those doing TOMR. Many of you will be tapering, so remember to pick your ride group to match how you feel like riding on the day, and drop down a group if you’re wanting an easier ride.
As it’s Julian Johnsons last regular Saturday ride, he had the honour of picking the route. This means you can thank Dr J. as you grind your way up Ewen St. Coincidentally that was the route I had picked a few weeks ago anyway – true story! It’s not quite the Stelvio that Julian was riding a few weeks ago, but a challenge nonetheless.
Remember to hydrate as the weather warms. I find it helpful to half fill a bottle, freeze it overnight, and then top it up with water in the morning. That way I can drink from it immediately, and there’s a block of ice to keep it cool for longer. Also, don’t forget the sunscreen.
IMPORTANT: We have changed the start time of our Sunday Hills rides this week back to our summer time of 6am. Take noteβΌοΈ
Saturday 28th October
- Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
- Early lap β earlybird 40.93km spr special
- All rides start at Coode St carpark at 7:00am
- Development group β novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday
- Transitional 1/2 β Trans Mosman 40.39km SPR Saturday
- Fast, Main β Ewen St 50.26km SPR Saturday
- SPR Zwift β <not this week>
Sunday 29th October
- Rides start at Coode St carpark at 6:00am (βΌοΈ SUMMER TIME βΌοΈ)
- Short β Les Obs 67.37km SPR Sunday
- Long β Wlsh Obs Kal 87.60km SPR Sunday
- Rides start at Coode st carpark at 7:00am (π₯Ά WINTER TIME π₯Ά)
- Development group β coffee ride
- Short Hills (Social) β Les Obs 67.37km SPR Sunday
Monday 30th October
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am
Tuesday 31st October
- Ride starts under the Narrows (city side) at 5:30am
Wednesday 1st November
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am
- Ride starts Raffles bike pathat 5:30am
- Interval training β stock road repeats
- Rides start at Coode St carpark at 10:00am
Midweek Transitional β Trans Shelley Midweek SPR 29.58km
Thursday 2nd November
- Ride starts under the Narrows (city side) at 5:30am
Friday 3rd November
- Ride starts under the Narrows (Sth Perth side) at 5:30am