Ride Routes 4 – 10th January

Hi all,

So the Nationals are nearly here!!

This will be an amazing event so I encourage you to head along to as many of the events as possible. The elite races will be epic – have a read here for the key riders including Perth riders Jai Hindley & Sam Welsford. There will be some SPR members in the elite races (Jarred Anderson in the Elite Mens and Kate Bonner & Sophia Sammons will be ones to watch racing the Elite Womens race) and we have a good showing in the Masters Crits with 2 mens & 1 womens teams racing in green. We also have 8 TT teams (6 mens and 2 womens) so make sure you check out these races. There are full start lists on EntryBoss.

If you have not already done so, make sure you check out the Road Nationals website https://roadnationals.org.au. There is lots of information including a Spectator Guide covering all of the races. And if you do not already listen to The Press Room podcast, I highly recommend checking out their preview of the 2025 Australian Road Nationals (link here or embedded below). Jethro and Tom regularly commentate at cycling events and the local crits πŸ’ͺ🏻.

Hopefully the Festive 500 kms was good to you. I am sure you will have done more than I managed this year – in my defence, I did celebrate a significant wedding anniversary this week πŸ™‚

If you are interested in racing, check out the section below as there is lots of crit racing coming up this month, with the first races of 2025 this weekend.

Finally, I am justing finishing up the blog post covering our SPR Christmas Award winners for 2024 – check back after lunch.

See you out on the bike.


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. NBCC 2025 AusCycling Criterium Championships (5/Jan)

2. WCMCC Kewdale Criterium (5/Jan)

3. RCCC Twilight World Champs #4 (7/Jan)

Juniors Ride β€” This Saturday we will resume our junior program after the Christmas break. To kick off the new year we planned a gentle 19km ride through Shelley, Rossmoyne and Manning areas in a very safe and low traffic environment. Find below the course:


We will meet at 10.30am at the usual spot in Shelley (https://maps.app.goo.gl/eWJgPCe3CXgDH2iU8).

SPR Juniors on the SPR Christmas Ride

From the Ride Coordinator β€” Happy New Year everyone. Plus, it’s the first Saturday of the month, so it is β€œStep Up Saturday!”

Take this opportunity to see where your riding is at and STEP UP and have a go at riding with that next group above your usual Saturday ride.

Please note, the development group currently runs 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.

Saturday 4th January

Sunday 5th January

Monday 6th January

Tuesday 7th January

Wednesday 8th January

Thursday 9th January

Friday 10th January