Ride Routes 11 – 17th January

Hi all,

So the nationals are here and well underway. We had a great showing with over 35 competitors in green yesterday for the Club TTT and we came away with 5 podiums. See below for all the details and a few photos. I will also post more photos on the SPR Facebook group.

Here are the SPR podiums – 3 gold medals and 2 bronze medals 💪🏻💚

🏆 Gold Medal – Masters Women 120+

🏆 Gold Medal – Masters Men 90+

🏆 Gold Medal – Masters Men 120+

🥉 Bronze Medal – Masters Women 120+

🥉 Bronze Medal – Masters Men 150+

Full results here.

Today we had the individual time trials and we had several SPR members riding across the grades.

Tomorrow is a big day, with criterium racing in Northbridge all day. We have a team in the first race of the day at 10:30am (Men Masters 1-3) with the Elite Womens and Mens crits at 4:00 and 5:15pm. If you can make it, get down and be part of the action.

SPR has teams in the following races (startlist here):

  • 10:30am – Men Masters 1-3
  • 11:00am – Men Masters 4-6
  • 12:00pm – Women Masters 1-4

Then over the weekend there is the road race, with the Elite Womens and Mens the final two races on Sunday.

This weekend Dome, whilst we need to navigate road closures on our Saturday group ride, will be open as normal. In fact, I think the bike racks will be out and available all weekend.

Finally, I’ve again posted the The Press Room’s Nationals update below. Worth checking out (they will be doing daily updates for the nationals).

See you out on the bike.


Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. RCCC Twilight World Champs #5 (14/Jan)

2. WCMCC Splendid Park – Yanchep – Summer 2025 (19/Jan)

Juniors Ride — There will be no junior ride this Saturday. Instead, we encourage everyone to take advantage of this weekend to watch the National Road Championship. The racing week kicks off tomorrow with the Time Trials and concludes on Sunday afternoon with the Elite race at Kings Park.

Bring your bike and enjoy the excitement from the roadside!

From the Ride Coordinator — The end of the SPR Saturday ride will be adjusted to accommodate the Nationals Road Race road closures (Ref: https://roadnationals.org.au/the-event/road-closures) . Please listen to your ride leaders and look out for pedestrians when using the pavement.

Diversion details below :

1.       At the Barrack Street traffic lights turn left off onto The Esplanade
2.       At the Williams St traffic lights go straight across onto Mounts Bay Road
3.       To access Mercantile Lane before the traffic island starts, cross over onto pavement between the first and second footbridges. The Wilson car park entrance (on the right) is an option.

Please note, the development group currently runs 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month.

Saturday 11th January

Sunday 12th January

Monday 13th January

Tuesday 14th January

Wednesday 15th January

Thursday 16th January

Friday 17th January