Ride Routes 1st – 7th March

We have come again to the time of year where the club holds its annual general meeting.

Please see our formal meeting notice here. This has always been important in the life of SPR, for a at least two reasons. First, from the very beginning (read “in our constitution“), our club has valued the principle that the Committee serves according to the will of the members. So whilst we have Committee members, myself included, who have served for many years — it is an important part of the life of the club that all positions are vacated and filled based on a annual general meeting at which all members participate.

I believe the club is in a good place. We have lots of activities that provide excellent opportunities for our members to ride their bikes. We have a strong Committee with leadership across the board — including ride leaders, racing, juniors, SPR chicks and the rest. That said, everyone who contributes on the Committee will at some point step back and it is vital for the life of the club that new people step forward. And there is not better way to get involved than to join as a General Committee Member and see where that leads. So if you interested, please reach our to myself, our Vice President, our Secretary or any Committee member to discuss.

The SPR Committee is proud of the club that is the South Perth Rouleurs, and what we collectively contribute to the cycling community. If you would like to be involved, either on the Committee or on any of our Subcommittees, now might be the perfect time.

As you read through today’s blog, make sure you check out the photos from the Juniors sessions last Saturday. We’ve include some action shots and even a map of the skills course that Giovanni ran. Well done team! 💚

Finally, I ran short on time so have not included a write-up of the amazing Renae’s Races that was held over the weekend. Keep your eyes out for that in the coming days.

And don’t forget… we have a Public Holiday Ride this weekend 🙂


SPR Italy Trip 2025 — We’ve had a great response to the EOI and the trip is on! Two places left in fact! Details below including link to EOI.

Updated post in the blog last week and EOI here.

Racing this weekend – If you want to race, or get in on the action watching others race, read on.

1. PDCC 24-25 Summer Criterium Race 4

2. 4Five+ Tiger Tracks Gravel (5-6 Apr)

Juniors Ride — We will meet on Saturday at 9am here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/TfZxyREwib4B87RC8. we’ll refine our climbing skills tackling the iconic Zig Zag climb twice. Located just outside the city, the Zig Zag is famous for its breathtaking views and is a must-ride for any cyclist. The road is closed to traffic by boom gates until 10:45 AM, making it a perfect training ground. However, this means we need to start earlier than usual—so let’s meet at the sightseeing car park (https://maps.app.goo.gl/TfZxyREwib4B87RC8) at 9 AM.

This ~3 km section provides a great opportunity to practice both climbing and descending. We’ll be going up and down twice, focusing on technique and control. For those interested we will have coffee in the end at the Zig Zag Cafe’.

I’d like to remind everyone that these rides are only possible thanks to the support of parents who accompany their children. I may not always have the help of other parents, so it’s crucial to understand your child’s abilities. If they haven’t yet developed the necessary skills or training to keep up with the group, you must accompany them for their safety.

From the Ride Coordinator — It’s the start of the month so it is “Step Up Saturday!”

Take this opportunity to see where your riding is at and STEP UP and have a go at riding with that next group above your usual Saturday ride.

The Short, Long, Social Hill groups and The Coffee ride will start at 7am this Sunday (2/3/2025).

A reminder that we are looking for expressions of interest from you regarding taking on the Ride Leader role. If you’re interested please have a chat with your RL on Saturday.

Saturday 1st March

Sunday 2nd March

Monday 3rd March — Labour Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 4th March

Wednesday 5th March

Thursday 6th March

Friday 7th March

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