The year is not over yet, there is still fun to be had.
Save this date on your calendar, Saturday 20 December 2014 is:
1 – Our annual christmas ride – dress up in spirit of Christmas for this ride. We will be giving up a prize for the best dressed of the day!
2 – After the ride, the SPR famous quarterly breakfast is on. The cost is $15 per person. Kindly bring exact change. Please also write a comment in this blog entry whether you are going. We will need to know how many people are attending.
3 – At the breakfast we will also be giving out the outcome of Rewards Nomination.
Everybody is welcome, and in true Christmas spirit, the more the merrier!
Any questions about any of the above, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or email
We hope to see you all next week!
Laurensia, Carol, Amanda, Heiko & Graham
SPR Social Committee
It looks like I might be the first one there…
I’ll be there
Francine and Paul will be there
Count me in.
I’ll be there!
Graham & Anke
just me
Me too
Me too
Yes Please. I love Santa ….
I’ll be there
Count me in.
Yep – I’ll be there
Count me in …… plus two
Me too!
One here
I’ll be there.
I’ll be there
Yes will be there!
I’ll be there for the breakfast (trying to get some family members to join also)
Shane French
I’m in.
Ill b there
Yep me too
I’m in
I’m in!
Not that I need anymore food at the mo. What the heck, count me in…Diet begins after Xmas…!!!
Carol and John are in
Im in
Yes please!
Me please!
Two Bonners please.
i’m in 2x
breakfast for me
Yes please
Yes thanks!
Less 1-not well. JM
I am thanks for the good work you do all year