Here we go, the SPR teams for Cyclo Sportif Swan Valley
Cyclo Sportif Swan Valley Sunday 28 June 2015 |
SPR Bella 1 | SPR Bella 2 | SPR Bella 3 | SPR Moderators | SPR Quick Chicks | SPR Chocolat Canard | SPR Good Old Boys | |
Start Time | 8:36:30 | 8:35:30 | 8:36:00 | 9:15:30 | 8:53:00 | 8:48:00 | 8:38:30 |
Dist. | 80 kms | 80 kms | 80 kms | 64 kms | 80km | 80 km | 80 km |
Pace | Main 1 | Main 1-2 | Main 3 | Main 3-4 | Fast-Main 1 | Fast-Main 1 | Main 1 |
1 | Leigh O | Audrey X | Jenny D | Shane W | Amanda N | Craig J | Graham H |
2 | Karen H | Vanessa J | Carolyn D | Sarah S | Julian J | Andrew L | |
3 | Louise C | Sue Beattie | Ginny D | Michelle M | Jordan B | John P | |
4 | Stacey D | Carol D | Dianne M | Ben O ?? | Shane F | ||
5 | Meegan | Anita Y | Lorna H | Phil D | David M | ||
6 | Karen M | Vicky B | Kelly C | Mark dC | Marc P | ||
7 | Josie M | Anke H | Paul G | Justin B | |||
8 | Anna L | Lesley B | Matt K | Liam W | |||
9 | Carol L | Greg M | Marcel W |
Let us know if you want to add more team. We will update the above table accordingly. Each team has a maximum of 9 members. Place your name in the comment if you are interested in joining the above teams. Kindly ensure that you can keep up with the group you’ve committed to.
Please put me down for choc canards. MdC
Head here to register Mark.
Room for one more? happy to jump on board the Chocolate train.
Good Old Boys Team has been registered….. sleepy M1 pace.
Hi Graham over at the climbing rhinos we’re looking for riders so we wondering if both our teams might merge? We have 4 riders at m1 pace. Shane French
SPR Bella 3 is at Main 3 pace. Our fab team is full with Carol L being our ninth teammate!
Yep, put me down for choc canards. PaulG
I’m keen for the Choc Canards : )
Ben A
HI Graham, can John Phillips join the good old boys? Cheers Carol
Yep. Absolutely! Looks like we’ll joining up with the Climbing Rhino’s to make up a full team.
And FYI we’re thinking of having a practice ride together vthis coming Saturday…. same route as the SPR ride. We’ll squeeze in between the M1 groups somehow.
Is John on facebook Carol? If so, there’s a group for communicating.
The “Climbing Rhinos” have joined forces with the “Good Old Boy” to minimise our chances of getting chicked on the first lap but that still leaves room for one more if anyone is still pondering…. it would certainly help our chances!
Liam Walker are you “in”?
Good Old Boys complete… thanks guys.
Put me down for SPR Bella 2 group please.
One of the Good Old Boys has had to pull out so we have room for one more if anyone would like to join us.
Hi Guys – Main 3 – 4 here is your chance to have a go in SPR Moderators doing the 64km distance. Plenty of spaces available for Mixed team members to join in.
I have registered for this event but on my own. Would like to get on a team. Can I join SPR Bella 1. I have ridden several times with Main 1 group on Saturdays. I have rung BWA and they can place me on the team if need be.
I am in SPR Chocolat Canard, but have double-booked with family plans. Anyone looking to sneak a late spot on the fast train, let me know. Paid $90, will transfer for $60.
If not, I should still be able to ride, but may need to duck out after around 40km to get home (which was probably going to happen anyway).
Cheers, Ben
I’m in Choc Cannards but have picked up a nasty tropical virus and will not have ridden for two weeks… so I’m bummed that I’m simply not going to be up for the pace or distance of this ride ?
Can you please free up my spot for someone more up to it.
Ben A