Richard McGillivray started the topic Thanks & Farewell in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 7 months ago
On Wednesday I will be leaving these rain soaked lands for the sunny climbs of the Scottish Highlands! I am packing up the family and heading to Aberdeen.
I have been riding with the club for the last four years. In this time I have met some fantastic people & really enjoyed the thousands of kilometres we have ridden together. Thanks to everyone who has made this time so enjoyable & taught me so much.
I hope I can find a club that has such a friendly, inclusive culture & a fast ride to drag me around. Maybe if they are not too fast I will actually be able to get on the front and do some work.
I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to the committee for all the hard work they put in to make the club what it is and a special thanks to Pete, your drive and enthusiasm makes the club the great club that it has grown into.
If you are ever in Aberdeen, look me up.
Richard McGillivray