
  • gazman posted an update 14 years, 2 months ago

    Posting a ride write-up might be more of a challenge than I thought but if this is the wrong spot, the tech-heads will probably fix it.
    Only a dozen riders in T1 this week with huge numbers in Mains – clearly I’m being left behind in more ways than one. Ride Master introduces himself as JORGY. I’ve seen that name on the Blog, usually associated with filling a spot at the front of the Fast Group, hmmm, better not try and be a clever dick.
    Up Coode St at a nice steady 25ks, not like the old days with Dr Ronnie when we were hitting 40 cliks and were stuffed by Canning Highway! Green lights on Canning Hway for a change and JORGY was happy with us doing 30 ks with a tail wind. Just for the record, T1 isn’t really that wimpy. A really disciplined roll-through on Burke Drive with JORGY asserting his seniority – “Not so fast in front!”, “hey, get on that wheel!”
    “Call when he’s clear!” orders were coming thick and fast while JORGY pretended to be a gentleman of the road, bidding ‘good morning!’ to every other rider on the road then lashing us when they were gone!
    A very placid pace past the Left Bank but at least we were grouped. Around to Port Beach where JORGY demanded a sprint and took off with 4 riders hanging on with the rest of us trying to bridge. The gap was rapidly diminishing until we turned the corner where the Easterly put me in reverse momentarily. All together past Leightons and all the way back to the Uni, no one prepared to take on the wind on Mounts Bay.
    Certainly slower than what we have been doing recently but definitely better organised. Thanks for the input JORGY, much appreciated.

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