
  • Phil Davidson started the topic Farewell to SPR and Perth in the forum General Discussion 11 years, 2 months ago

    Today was my last SPR Saturday for a while… next week I am heading off to the land of the long white cloud to start a new job in Auckland.

    I will miss you guys…that is for sure. SPR has been such a big part of my life over the past two years, an awesome club and a fantastic bunch of people. Over this time my cycling has developed so much thanks to all the great support, opportunity and encouragement that has been SPR. I remember my first SPR ride well………and getting dropped by Main 3 round South Lakes …… now I still usually get dropped …… but now its by the Fast Group 🙂 I finally managed cling on to the tail of the SPR Thursday Fast for the whole lap for the first time a couple of weeks ago……wahoo!!!!! So I guess I still must be improving!!!

    What a great two years of cycling it has been. Some of the highlights (and not maybe not such highlights) that stand out in my mind:

    – The fantastic friends that I have made

    – Realising that getting up at 4:30am for an EBR can be invigorating and what a great time of day it can be …….in the summer anyway!!

    – My first hills ride ……….and throwing up half way up Welshpool!

    – The rapid transition and development through the groups……. M3 …..M2 ……and then M1 ……and all the friendly encouragement and support.

    – Discovering Strava …and the PR……another tragic Stravaholic!!

    – The first Watertowers Challenge …… first ever 100 miles.

    – The Kings of Wanneroo … my first race. Successfully breaking away off the front of D Grade Masters with Shaw ….. and than rather foolishly sitting up.

    – Christmas morning rides with friends.

    – My first Crit and riding for 30 mins right on my limit ……the realisation that riding near the back of C grade is not efficient or a smart idea.

    – The 3 Dams Challenge and the exhilaration of finishing with a half decent time.

    – Suicide breakaway attempt with 5km to go at Dardanup…… in pursuit of a gnome ……towing the group with me ……and then popping!!!! Then paying for my rather futile effort with bad case of the cramps half way round the TTT.

    – The Tour of Margaret River – what a fantastic event! Great preparation and organised training and tactics sessions from the Race Committee. A chance to ride a stage race as part of an SPR team and to mix it with some of the pros. Awesome!!!

    Thank you SPR ……and to all my great friends for helping me to do things I never thought I would do. I am going to miss you all. I will of course keep in touch through Strava ……so look out for some exotic (and probably hilly!!!!) Kiwi rides in SPR green. I will be back in Perth from time to time and will try and bring my bike over the “ditch” with me ……so see you again then.

    Stay safe and keep riding faster and further


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