
  • chris replied to the topic Poor choices made in UCI Wed in the forum Training 11 years, 1 month ago

    Mike et al.
    I see several comments about this and other non-acceptable behaviour lately, I have two questions:
    1. Is anything said to these people at the time or directly after the ride?
    2. Is there/will there be a pre-ride briefing to outline expected behaviours on these rides?
    Personally, I have let my membership lapse and do not ride with the club anymore because this sort of thing (eg running red lights, cutting up other groups) and generally poor group riding seems to have become prevelant, even from people who should be leading by example. We’re all guilty of messing up once in a while and perhaps all need to be reminded at the time rather than through yet another blog/forum post.
    As you would know Mike, this comes from a position of having been around from the start of SPR, so no malice intended.

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