Andrew Woodley-Page replied to the topic Bib Nicks – delaminating padding in the forum Kit Chat 10 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I’m a new SPR member and am looking to order kit in the 1 May order.
I spoke with Rob Sarfati at CS re the kit this morning. He is extremely helpful.
I mentioned the issue of this thread to Rob and he said that there were a few faulty chamois from the supplier (TMF) in a prior shipment, but understandably the defective items cant be readily identified and are now starting to show as the faults appear in the shorts at the consimer end. He said CS will replace any defective items with a new item. You cant get better after sale service than a full replacement.
I am now assured that if I do have any issues with the order that the matter will be resolved acceptable.
dont be put off – call Rob, you’ll be please you did. 02 9525 2533