
  • John Kitching replied to the topic Congrats to 3 & 5 Dams people in the forum General Discussion 10 years, 10 months ago

    3 Dams write up – Boring Old Farts report

    We (BOFs Ross and John) arrived in semi darkness at the the departure “lounge” at 06.00 in good time for our scheduled Grande Depart at 6.57. The toilet queue was not too bad although one needed a torch. Once our nerves had settled we waited… and waited: we had hoped to set of early but the eagle eyed starters made sure no 3 damn cyclists took off with the 5 Dams groups (quite right too). We managed to creep our way to the start at about 06.50 and by this time it was much lighter and the toilet queue was sooo long (it’s the light you know; it attracts them).
    And then we were off! A rather quick pace to begin along Gr8 E Hwy (about 34kmph) but common sense prevailed as we got into an easier pace to cope with the first hill, at the top of which we had our first pit stop. Not the official one but an old man’s one (pls refer to Goldfields Classic write up for an explanation). Then we were off again and eventually arrived at Mundaring Weir to a steel band reception, water and food all of which were fantastic! In fact, all the watering stops had a marvellous atmosphere.
    Next stop Canning Dam. At this point our pattern had been established. John: slim, young (relative to Ross – a phot would be attached if we knew how) but a chicken downhill sped up the hills away from Ross (bearded, heavier, older and braver) who motored downhill to overtake John before the next rise so we always met at the watering holes. We were wearing our Goldfields Classic shirts so we were easily recognisable (we wanted to stand out in the crowd; we thought about the SPR shirts and knew that they would be everywhere – which was proved as we bumped into so many SPR friends: Dean, Maurice, Katherine, Goanna, Judy, Shane, Steve, somebody-with-Steve, Sarah et al. And we did stand out: a charming lady approached us at the bar but we had our hopes dashed as she wanted to talk about the G Classic).
    The last hill out of Wungong Dam proved problematical for Ross: he got lost!! LOST! (“It’s an age issue John – where am I?”) but then he charged downhill, joined a peleton along Armadale Road and John had to rely on traffic lights to slow Ross down. Eventually we hit the cycle path with Ross speeding along until we were slowed by a lovely view – she eventually waved us through having tired of our panting. Then home to the village and a well earned sherbert.
    A fantastic event; highly recommended and will be repeated.
    John and Ross

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