Pace for the ride is Main 1ish and there will be SHORT regroups after each climb, as time is of the essence to make it to Wungong Dam for the morning tea and photo opportunity.
Preferred dress code is national kit or (in honour of Julian!) mixed SPR kits.
Please leave a comment, or respond to the Facebook event to let us know if you’ll be coming…we want to make sure there is a hot cross bun for everyone!
If you can’t commit for the whole ride you’re welcome to join us for parts, or just morning tea at Wungong Dam if you wish.
If anybody is available to assist with the logistics of the morning tea we would be very keen to hear from you!
Daniel has recently called for nominations from potential new Committee members. Part of the reason is that we plan to grow the Committee to help spread the load a bit more. The Committee currently stands at 11 members, but we wish to grow that to 13, with provision for up to 15 in the future.
To do that we need to make a minor amendment to the Constitution which members will be asked to vote on at the upcoming AGM.
Rule 6.1 will change from;
6.1 Management of the Club shall be vested in the Committee elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting and consisting of
6.1.1 President;
6.1.2 Vice President;
6.1.3 Secretary;
6.1.4 Treasurer;
6.1.5 at least three (3) but not more than seven (7) other Committee Members.
To the new rule;
6.1 Management of the Club shall be vested in the Committee elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting and consisting of
6.1.1 President;
6.1.2 Vice President;
6.1.3 Secretary;
6.1.4 Treasurer;
6.1.5 at least three (3) but not more than eleven (11) other Committee Members.
Please let us know if you’re interested in helping to run the club that does so much for so many. There are always roles on various sub-committees if you feel the jump to the management committee might be too much for you.
The kit shop is open…but get in quick it is closing again on 1 March.
Remember, the jersey is designed to be a snug fit…there were a few ‘looser fits’ at the recent club photo. And think about whether you could do with the extra leg length in the long bib-knicks…
The club kit shop is open. It will close again on 22 August to allow a bit of extra time for shipping so that kit arrives in time for the Tour of Margaret River ’21.
Remember – you need to be a current club member in order to purchase kit.
Kit order closes midnight on Monday! Don’t forget that the stylish new SPR and SPR Chicks socks are available
If you are headed into R&D to try on kit please remember that the staff aren’t able to assist you with sizing…send a query to Mayeur direct. The sizing kit is held at R&D as a service to the club…there’s nothing in it for them, so if it becomes hard for them we may lose the opportunity.
Saturday Start Locations – Back in 2020 the club made a decision to spread ourselves out in the carpark on a Saturday morning, to make social distancing a bit easier. With things slowly returning to near normal (capacity crowd at Optus Stadium anyone?) activity and traffic in the Coode Street car park is picking up and there we are less likely to attract criticism for gathering together.
For those reasons the Committee has decided to return to a more condensed assembly in just the first two rows of the car park. The new/old assembly areas are in the image to the right.
We’ll gather in these two rows again on Monday for the Public Holiday ride…the last one for a few months.
Bike Maintenance Session – Check out this post for an invite to SPR women who want to learn the basics when it comes to fixing and maintaining their road bike.
The Rules – just a reminder that it isn’t quite business as usual –As we progress through WA’s phased approach to reopening, how the club interacts within itself and the wider community will also change. Rightly or wrongly, the lack of community transmission in the state has meant that a lot of the social distancing rules have disappeared. As such we want to streamline what the requirements are from a club perspective. Basically there are 3 main things we want people to keep in mind.
The virus can spread via human contact, so minimise the amount of touching between people and each others bikes/helmets etc.
No spitting, snotting or sneezing within the group. If you need to, move to the back of the group, but please look behind you to make sure that it is clear of traffic. That is all traffic, not just bikes. We don’t want some dash-cam footage of someone blowing their nose on a car.
Personal hygiene becomes very important in the spread of the virus so make sure that you either wash your hands whenever you can or carry a small container of hand sanitiser. Limit your exposure to common surfaces (chairs, tables) and don’t be sharing items.
SafeWA registration – Remember that for many locations and venues contact registration is mandatory. If you want to sit down for a coffee you must register your details at that premises. There are 2 ways to do this, register on a paper form, or scan a QR code on an app. So, how do I get the app? Download the WA Government free app – SafeWA and sign up as an individual. – Android users click here – Apple phone users click here
Thursday Group 3 & 4 – The last few weeks we have been formalising and supporting the group 3 and 4 rides on Thursday. SPR Thursday has a reputation of being a hard and fast ride and the size of the first group today was a good indication of it’s popularity. However, we also want to provide an opportunity for people to develop and progress through the ranks, so to speak. As such the group 3 and 4 rides on Thursday now have ride leaders assigned to them to help guide people. The expected average speeds for the groups are 34k/hr and 30 k/hr or less average, respectively, so you can make a call as to which will suit you best. Organically developing rides to provide for what the needs of the group is what has contributed to the growth of the club. This is just another step along that path.
Our commitment to Core Values – We are a diverse club that made a point early on of committing to a number of core values to which we have built everything upon. These are – Safe, Inclusive, Organised & Social. It is under these values that we want all club interaction to occur, whether on the road or in cyberspace. Please read the previous post so you understand what we as a club, expect from you as members.S
From the Ride Coordinator – With so many roads now impacted by road works (you gotta love the public works stimulus programme) we find that many of our more popular ride routes are affected in one form or another. Last weekend we had the unexpected closure of Winthrop Ave to install a new bridge but it was great to see so many riders “going with the flow” and assisting the ride leaders to navigate around. This weekend we could also expect the unexpected with both routes on Saturday. Transition will head down Hay Street Subiaco which is experiencing some road narrowing around Rokeby and last time the main ride headed to Karrinyup Rd, there was also some impact from the shopping centre redevelopment. Reason for highlighting is that you may experience something different to what you were expecting and we are sharing the road with drivers who may also be unfamiliar so it’s good to keep your wits about you.
Whilst talking about keeping your wits whilst riding, our main ride on Saturday would be up there for the most frequent cases of near misses at the intersection of Loftus Street and Scarbs Beach Rd. The Karrinyup Rd route this weekend heads STRAIGHT ACROSS that intersection and onto London Street. Please DO NOT look to turn left onto Scarbs Beach Rd, otherwise you may be another statistic on the SPR accident data base. We’ve said it plenty of times before, it pays to look at the ride route before you go. That’s particularly important this week. See you all safely at coffee!
Saturday 24th April
Ride starts under the Narrows (cityside) at 5:30am
On Good Friday, April 2, the annual Vice President’s Ride will take place. It should have been the 9th this year, but the pandemic had other plans for us in 2020. It will also be the first ride without Julian at the helm, although his 2019 appearance was just in a particularly fetching apron!
Starting at the Coode Street carpark at 6am (lights compulsory), we’ll head out along the old three dams course via Midland, then up Greenmount.
There will be SHORT regroups after each climb, as time is of the essence to make it to Wungong Dam for the morning tea and photo opportunity.
Preferred dress code is national kit or (in honour of Julian!) mixed SPR kits.
The usual prize of free coffee for the most number of different SPR kit pieces will be on offer. For those short on time, you’re welcome to join us for parts of the ride and the route will be confirmed on the weekend.
Please leave a comment to let us know if you’ll be coming…we want to make sure there is a hot cross bun for everyone!
Fair warning…this post may be boring enough to put you to sleep, but it is important.
With the arrival of AusCycling on the scene we have a situation where there are now effectively two peak bodies for cycling in Western Australia…both offering membership of South Perth Cycle Club. The way our constitution reads at the moment you can only actually be an ordinary member, and therefore able to vote on club issues or run for committee, if you sign up through AusCycling. We know that some members would prefer to sign up through WESTCYCLE, and in order for those members to have the same rights as AusCycling members we need to make a couple of small tweaks to the constitution.
Our plan is to amend rules 12.2 and 12.3, and to introduce a by-law to inform rule 12.3.1 which will make it easier to adjust access to membership if the peak bodies change again. We plan to make the necessary changes to the constitution at the upcoming AGM, so this post is notice of our intention to make the required changes.
Current constitution rules
12.2 The annual membership fee for all classes of membership shall be determined by the Committee. All members must pay their membership fees on joining or after that on the date fixed for payment in each year.
12.3 Membership of the Club shall consist of the following — 12.3.1 Ordinary Member – any person that holds a licence under the governing body of cycling in Western Australia and is a financial member of the Club. If that person holds a licence and is a member of another cycling club then they cannot be considered as an ordinary member. 12.3.2 Extraordinary Member – any persons other than Ordinary Members who are interested in promoting the Club may become an Extraordinary Member. This includes people that hold a licence but are also Members of another club. 12.3.3 Junior Member – any person under the age of 18 years may become a Junior Member. Junior Members shall have no voting rights nor be entitled to hold any office. 12.3.4 Life Member – any Member may nominate a person to the Committee for consideration for Life Membership. The Committee will determine if a nominee should be granted Life Membership based on criteria set out in the Club’s by-laws.
Proposed news rules
12.2 The annual membership fee for all classes of membership shall be determined by the Committee. All members must pay their membership fees on joining or after that on the designated due date to maintain membership.
12.3 Membership of the Club shall consist of the following —
12.3.1 Ordinary Member – any person that
(a) holds an approved membership under one of the peak cycling bodies for Western Australia as designated in the Club’s by-laws; and
(b) has nominated the Club as their primary club for the purposes of that membership.
12.3.2 Extraordinary Member – any persons other than Ordinary Members who are interested in promoting the Club may become an Extraordinary Member. This includes people that hold an approved membership under 12.3.1(a) but are otherwise not eligible to be an Ordinary Member of the Club.
12.3.3 Junior Member – any person under the age of 18 years may become a Junior Member. Junior Members shall have no voting rights nor be entitled to hold any office.
12.3.4 Life Member – any Member may nominate a person to the Committee for consideration for Life Membership. The Committee will determine if a nominee should be granted Life Membership based on criteria set out in the Club’s by-laws. Life Membership does not preclude a member from also being an Ordinary Member.
Proposed by-law
2 Recognised peak cycling bodies for Western Australia (rule 12.3.1)
2.1 Pursuant to rule 12.3.1 (a) the Club designates ‘recognised peak cycling bodies for Western Australia’, for the purposes of Club membership.
2.2 The intent of this designation is to ensure that members are;
a) provided with membership options that best suit their likely participation level;
b) are insured to the satisfaction of the Committee; and
c) are able to claim Ordinary Membership of the Club consistent with rule 12.3 of the Constitution.
2.3 Designated recognised peak cycling bodies and associated memberships for Western Australia are;
2.3.1 AusCycling Limited
a) Lifestyle or Race memberships, or equivalent, that includes at least Third Party Public Liability Insurance.
2.3.2 WESTCYCLE Incorporated
a) Ride Membership, or equivalent, that includes at least Third Party Public Liability Insurance.
2.4 In rule 12.3.1 (b) the term ‘primary club’ means that a member has selected South Perth Cycle Club Inc. as their first club when establishing or renewing their membership with one of the recognised peak cycling bodies as identified in section 2.3 of this by-law. It demonstrates an intention by the member to associate themselves first and foremost with the South Perth Cycle Club Inc. in cycling related matters.
The club kit order portal is open again. You can access the order portal via the links on the club kit webpage – here. Remember that you need to be a current SPR member to be eligible to purchase club kit.
The current order will close on 1 March, so now is the time to br thinking about your autumn and winter kit needs.
There will be four opportunities to purchase kit in 2021, with orders closing on;