All posts by elPrez

ride routes 13th & 14th july

the first week of the tour can hurt for more then one reason
the first week of the tour can hurt for more then one reason

so the first week of the tour is usually full of injuries and i seemed to have started the second week on the back foot. the first week of staying up late to watch the tour, then getting up early to do the spr rides seemed to have diminished my ability to fight off any colds.  i haven’t been on the bike since saturday and even then it was an aborted attempt.  a head cold has taken me out of the earlybird rides, but luckily still allows me to stay up and watch the tour.  for some reason, if i don’t watch it live, i don’t really feel like i have watched the tour.  the aussies had a good first week, but a disastrous second week as all gc hope faded.  there is still lots of tour to go and luckily the other teams are attempting to take on sky to add some life to the party.  the last week should be awesome with so many mountain passes and hill top finishes to smash the race apart.

ride leaders – thanks to those that have volunteered to be ride leaders this week.  we have lots of spots left that are just begging for you to put your name down in.  see the previous post for more details or sign up here.  please help out the club and volunteer your time.

ride routes – well now we are past the shortest day of the year we can expect warmer weather and more sunshine….hopefully.  it has been pretty cold this last week and even a bit wet.  don’t let this stop you from coming out on the weekend and putting in some big winter kms.

saturday 13th july

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional – trans abernethy 39.96km spr saturday

fast & main groups – abernethy rd 48.21km spr saturday

sunday 14th july

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – brktn weir 82.89km spr sunday

long – carr peet obs 97.72km spr sunday

ride routes 6th & 7th july

winner of stage 1...the greenedge bus
winner of stage 1…the greenedge bus

how unpredictable has the tour been this year.  no-one picked the stage winner for the first three stages and i can’t say that any of them were obvious.  the greenedge boys certainly redeemed themselves after the debacle of stage 1 when the bus went for line honours.  seeing gerrans out sprint sagan was unreal and watching the guys take out the team time trial was amazing.  my body is slowly getting used to staying up till 11:30pm to watch the stage finish then getting up at 5:00am to go riding.  it is not the most productive work day but it just doesn’t feel right to watch a tour de france replay.  it is, however, a good time of year to not be living on the east coast and having to stay up till 2am.  a couple more stages left before the gc boys come out to play in the mountains.  looking forward to that.

ride leaders – we need ride leaders for this saturday’s ride.  we will be releasing a ride leaders guide soon, but in the meantime a few points are as follows – pick a group below where you usually ride.  split the group before you leave the carpark.  for the riders in the group, the ride leader has volunteered their time, please be respectful and listen to instructions.  if you can do better then feel free to sign up.  see the previous post for more details or sign up here.  please help out the club and volunteer your time.  thanks to those that have already put their name down.

rapha women’s ride – cathi dixon is organising a ride for the rapha women’s 100.  details as follows.

Join me on the 7th July to ride 100km as part of the Rapha Women’s 100.  The Rapha Women’s 100 is a global event getting thousands of women around the world to ride 100km on the 7th July wherever they are.

On the 7th of the 7th at 7am we will be meeting at Dôme Westralia Plaza Shop 5, Westralia Plaza 167 St Georges Terrace, Perth. World champion track cyclist Sarah Kent will be rolling with us. This is not a race it is a group ride. A chicks group ride. So come along bring your female cycling friends.  We will be riding a river loop x 2, so if 100km is to far you can peel off at 50km.
Come on pedal pedal pedal

tour de france dinner – a chance to do some french stuff that doesn’t involve the bicycle.  more info here.

focus kids ride – cold.  it is going to be cold. kids ride is on this weekend at 9:30am and we will have people there to ride with you, but we fully understand if it is too cold for your kids.

ride routes – yes, it will be cold for the ride, but at least it will be dry.  all you have to do is wear more clothes.  i look forward to freezing with you.

saturday 6th july

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional – trans rebold 38.69km spr saturday

fast & main groups – canning vale & welshpool 49.74km spr saturday

ride starts behind boatshed cafe (coode st carpark) at 9:30am

focus kids group – ride along bike path to causeway and return (6kms)

sunday 7th july

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 63.49km (gooseberry & kalamuda)

long – darl weir 100.09km spr sunday

ride routes 29th & 30th june

so close.  about a steak-width in it.
so close. about a steak-width in it.

the tour is starting.  the tour is starting.  get ready for three weeks of late nights, cold early morning bike rides and falling asleep at work.  i told my guys at work to expect me to be cranky for the next few weeks.  i told them the same thing last year and the sky team went and ruined it for me.  it just wasn’t as much fun. everyone is saying that froome will win this year based on the sky formula for tour riding.  however, it doesn’t take much in that first week to make it all come undone.  cadel isn’t the strongest rider, but the other year, he kept out of trouble while others suffered from a number of misfortunes.  the tour is three weeks long so don’t count anyone out or anyone as a sure thing just yet.  now where is that no-doze.

ride leaders – we are trying to be proactive by setting up our ride leaders in advance.  this way you can work out your training and on your “off” days you can help out taking charge of one of the groups.  see the previous post for more details or sign up here.  please help out the club and volunteer your time.  thanks to those that have already put their name down.

spr breakfast – the quarterly spr breakfast is on this saturday after the ride.  cost is $15 and this gets you a coffee and a selection of food.  please try to bring along exact change to speed up the process.

tour tipping comp – with the tour de france starting this weekend we again will be running our tour tipping comp.  it is quite detailed and it gives you a reason to stay up and watch even the boring stages.  cost is $20 and all money goes into the prize pool.  the more people that enter, the bigger the prize pool.  more info here.

bwa swan valley – we have a number of groups entered in the cyclo-sportif this weekend at swan valley.  please do your best to wear the current club kit as we are using this as an opportunity to update the club photos and will be looking at getting as many people photographed as possible.

track cycling grand prix – if you are not doing the cyclo, there is still an chance to see some first rate track racing as tickets are available to the track cycling grand prix.  more info here.

spr kit order – the next kit order will close at midnight on monday 1 july and arrive in mid august.  orders are made via the champion systems online ordering system.  advice on how to order can be found on the team kit section of this website.  SPR kit wishlist_June2013 provides a summary of current kit options.  don’t forget only financial spr (south perth cycle club) members can be seen around town in our kit…

ride routes – with the club breakfast on, i thought it was a good chance to build up an appetite by doing the holmes road route.  on sunday, there will be lots of people off doing the cyclo, so make sure you know the ride route.

saturday 29th june

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional – trans canning vale 42.34km spr saturday

fast & main groups – holmes rd 50.42km spr saturday

sunday 30th june

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 70.93km (kahuna)

long – khna can mills 94.55km spr sunday

calling all ride leaders

be a leader
be a leader

as the club grows it is important to make sure that the skills of the members grow with it.  just being faster on the bike is not really enough as you need to be able to control that fitness in a close quarters environment.  to help riders develop their skill set, we need ride leaders to give their time and knowledge to those that are learning.

all it takes is a little encouragement during a ride for people to understand just what they have to do.  often people don’t actually realise that they are doing anything wrong.  it is up to the more experienced riders to ensure that the riders develop correctly and therefore do not become a hazard as they progress through the groups.

we have often called for people to step up and take on the leadership role.  now we are giving you the opportunity to sign up for it instead.  there is now a page on the website (under the “club training” tab) that has a table for people to sign up to.  you pick the date and group you want to help out in and add your name to the sheet.  it saves automatically so then just hit the back button to return to our website.  it may take about 5 min to refresh, but don’t worry as the next person that clicks on it will see your entry.  please don’t delete anyone’s name without contacting them first to see if you can have that date.

for now we are concentrating on main 2, 3 and the transitional group.  main 1 usually contains enough “old hands” to be able to ensure that it remains on track.

as mentioned before, there are more than enough people in the club so that you should only need to volunteer once or twice per year.  you should be able to identify a break in your training to spend some time in developing other club members.  grab a mate and nominate a date and group that you can help out on.

the page can be found here or under the “club training” tab in the menu bar above.  we are looking for leaders to help out this weekend.

perth winter track cycling grand prix

GP Posterin conjunction with this weekends cyclo-sportif in swan valley, there is the perth winter track cycling grand prix being held at the speeddome.  the cyclo starts and finishes at the velodrome and anyone that has entered the cyclo also gets to watch the track grand prix.  if you are not doing the cyclo, you can still come and watch some high quality racing as tickets are available for this event.

click on the flyer for more info on enquiries and ticket availability. we have about 9 teams entered in the cyclo, so there will be lots of other spr people in attendance.

spr tour de france tipping comp

it is less than 1 week till the biggest bike race of the year starts and once again we will be running our tour de france tipping comp.  unlike other comps where you just choose a team based on a riders worth, this comp needs you to put in a daily tip.  the rider you choose will accumulate time and points which will determine your teams overall standing in 4 different categories.

there is a dedicated tipping comp section on this website which can be accessed via the menu bar at the top or via this link.  on the tipping home page there is a link to buy an entry to this years comp.  it cost $20 for every team you enter and all money will be used in the prize pool.  after you enter and pay via paypal, return to the tipping home page and add your team name to the comments.  this is usually a witty name based on some variation of the current teams, riders or their misdemeanour’s (i.e “steak for 1”, or “skytrain boringtime”).  if you register more than 1 team, please give me more than one team name.  if you do not add a team name, but do register a entry, your team will be called “Yourname Team”.  you cannot put tips in without buying an entry and all entries must go through the website.

there is a page per stage and to enter your tip you just have to add the riders name to the comments.  there are rules about who you can tip and how often (i.e no tipping the same rider till after a rest day) but that is all explained in the tipping rules page.  the comments on each stage will close off at 18:00 each night and if you miss the cut off, too bad, so sad.  you don’t totally miss out, but, as outlined in the rules, you will get the rider that comes in at the 75% of the field.  if it is a flat stage, that could mean no real loss.  if it is a mountain stage, it could mean losing 30min.  all tips must be place via the comments on the website.  if you cannot access, then get someone else to put your tip in.  we will not be excepting late tips or text messages.

the startlist will not be finalised till the last few days before, but the stage maps and profiles are available on each page.  the leaderboard will be updated after each stage and the prize pool will be calculated after all teams are registered.

it is a great way to follow the tour as you will be cheering on riders to sprint for 8th place as there could be points in there that could get you prizes.  so jump across to the tipping page and register your team now.

ride routes 22nd & 23rd june

so there seems to be lots more people out on our rides with go-pro cameras on.  i would love to get more group riding footage, so if you want to put something together like blair did above, feel free to send me a link.  if you have any stills from the back facing cam it would be great as well.  we are working on a new look to the website and we need to get an few more pics of people in the new kit.

kit collection – the latest kit order should arrive this week and be available for collection at DOME this saturday.  for other options, see the previous post for details.

spr breakfast – our next spr breakfast is on saturday 29th june at DOME after the regular saturday ride.  more details are on the previous post so put your name in the comments so we know how many to cater for.

bwa swan valley – if you have already signed up in the previous post, please make sure that you register in your team.  it looks like we will have quite a large number of teams flying the spr colours.

tour of margaret river – if you are interested is doing a multi-stage tour in november, put your name in the comments in the previous post.  there are limited spaces and you need to be able to commit to the event.  the race sub-committee will make the final selection as to what team riders end up on in the interest of providing balanced teams.

ride routes – there is a bit of the above footage that shows the group totally missing the turn into morley drive last saturday.  make sure you know the ride route.  it was called “morley drive” so we probably needed to turn there.  this week we are having another go at whiteman park.  this route was the catalyst for the move to garmin for the mapping facility.  hopefully this week the map will take us on the right route through the parks various turns.

saturday 22nd june

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional – trans reverse river 40.58km spr saturday

fast & main groups – whiteman park 50.4km spr saturday

sunday 23rd june

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 61.14km (welshpool & weir rd) follow long course to first climb

long – wlsh obs kal 90.32km spr sunday

Super Westige Cyclocross race report – Katheryn Dines

cyclo 01I am interested in cyclocross as a way to have fun and improve my technical skills without having to get a mountain bike. So when I saw the blog post advertising the “Super Westige” cyclocross event, with the option of a day license, I was intrigued.  I could, in theory, do this race on a road bike. A quick email to the organiser, Greg Merison, got a friendly response. Yes, I could do it on my road bike, even on skinny tyres. There would be no carrying of the bike required, I could push it in a difficult spot or lift it over a barrier. The women’s race was 30 minutes. How bad could it be?

I did no extra preparation for the event, apart from training the kids to cheer, we covered that in depth on Friday 🙂

Sunday was beautiful weather, how refreshing to set off at the civilised time of 1pm for the race! The lap-based race meant the kids and family could easily watch.

Success Hill in Bassendean is a lovely treed reserve on the river. The kids made a beeline for the playground. The two decent grassed hills on the left and right were covered with red and white tape and course markers. I could see a few people riding the route already, so once I registered I did too.

It looked confusing but once on course there were plenty of small arrow markers to follow. The compact course was cleverly laid out to make the most of the hills. There were switch backs, barriers, and some long turns through the sand! There was also a sandy track through the bush and back. The sand was challenging, quite a few places I had to put a foot down or hop off and push. I also knew it would be hard to get to the top of the hills as my bike has quite high gears, and it was so. So there would be plenty of hopping on and off for me!cyclo 03

I had let my tyres down to about 80psi, after my practice lap an older guy squeezed the tyres and muttered “You’ll want to go lower than that!” So I let down a bit more, maybe to 50.

Men’s B grade went first, then the women were lining up. 6 women, 5 sets of knobbly tyres. Gulp.  I think I was fourth to the first corner, then up the hill, over a barrier. Switchbacks down the hill. A longer straight then to the trees at the front of the park. Lots of sand, then more switchbacks, then up the hill. A very long, fast descent straight into a sand bath. (Luckily on my practice run I had been right behind someone who knew what they were doing, I followed his line then and repeated that for each lap, and got through ok). Up the next hill, push to the top (!), then into the bush section. It was very sandy here so I had to push and ride. Finally back to grass. Two barriers in a row, uphill switchbacks, which I had not succeeded in the practice run but made it through during the race (!) then past the commentary box…

Repeat 4 times!

It was fast, furious action. I later read on Wikipedia that each section is only a few seconds long, and the idea is to constantly change speed, direction, surface, technique, uphill/downhill etc. That is an excellent description. It was like no other race I have ever done. It was constantly changing, I was constantly mounting and dismounting, going up, going down. It was a pretty challenging aerobic workout, and a challenging mental one too.

cyclo 02The good things were that I got much better at going through the sand as the laps went on. Each time I tried to find a different line until I found one that felt better. On my last lap I followed a competitor on a mountain bike around a sandy corner that had defeated me until then, and stayed riding the whole way.

My goals were to see what cyclocross is all about, and not injure myself. Tick, tick.

Probably a bit lucky to have dry weather, and I accidentally followed a couple of good lines by other people. The event had a nice atmosphere, about 40 male competitors, 6 women, and plenty of kids. It started on time and seemed well organised.

We stayed a short while to see the Men’s A grade, and it was an eye-opener. Where I had taken wide turns to get through the switchbacks, they were hugging the interior with flicks of their bikes. And the flying dismounts, barrier hops and re-mounts were impressive. Clearly lots of bike skills still to acquire!

Many thanks for Fabian for getting the kids in the car, and Christy, Jason and Danika for coming, and  the fabulous cheer squad of Henry, Rosie and Georgie.cyclo 04

ride leaders

anyone can be a ride leader
anyone can be a ride leader

over the last few weeks the fast 1/2 and main 1/1.5 groups would have had a combined 100 riders.  it is great that so many people are progressing through the groups and stepping up to the faster groups.  it does show that what we have structured is working well as it allow a pathway for riders as they develop.

unfortunately, what it has also done is drag some riders away from leading the slower groups as the leaders themselves also want to progress and develop.  last week i took main 3 out for the ride and directed them around the ride route.  the “slower” ride is not necessarily slower for the leader as i probably did twice as much work moving between the front (to call directions) and then to the back (to help dropped riders) then to the front (to give directions) and repeat.

as i said, with about 100 riders in the best online casino fast/main1 it is not much to ask for a couple of riders each week to give their time to help direct the other groups.  there are 52 weeks in the year so you and your mate, really only have to do it once.

ride leaders are not about smashing main 3 in the final sprint, but should be there to direct the group so they can learn how to look after themselves.  how to roll through (without smashing it), how to peel off from the front, ensuring the group regroups after being split at lights.  it is not really hard stuff and most of you do it second nature.  all it takes is a nice loud voice to get your directions across.

you are part of a club, not just a group of people meeting at a carpark.  the club needs you to do your bit so that developing riders understand what is required of them.  the last thing we want is really fit people with no group riding skills mixing it in the fast group.

ride routes 15th & 16th june

never too young to get addicted to cycling.  however, eating plastic bikes is not the right type of addiction.
never too young to get addicted to cycling. however, eating plastic bikes is not the right type of addiction.

why are some of our training rides more popular than others???  the monday and wednesday ciao rides seems to only pull in the regular 6-8 riders.  thursday ride today was massive.  at a glance, both the fast and main groups could have been split and still given a good size group.  the ciao ride surprises me though.  it is flat and fast (does shelley twice) and is significantly easier than the thursday ride as we just cruise between the fast sections.  are people saving their legs for thursday??? when wednesday was the uci ride, we would have over 20 riders tackling the much harder kings park circuit.  probably the least popular ride is the sunday earlybird.  not many people opt for the sunday double, but it is a good way to increase your km count or get a longer ride in if you need to get home early (earlybird + short hills).  try something different.  the training rides are there for the members.

kit order – the kit orders are open and a new design has been added for the mountain bikers.  for those that are worried about their kit getting dirty, we have a black version of the jersey.  please note that the official club kit is the white version and you cannot race in road races in the black kit.  bit more info in the previous post.

cyclocross – cyclocross racing is back in perth and starts this sunday.  as explained in the previous post, it is a combination of road, mtb and picking your bike up over obstacles.  think of it as “tough mudder on bikes”.  this type of racing is very popular in europe and quite big in america.  australia has started to embrace it and it gives you another type of bike to buy.

spr breakfast – our next spr breakfast is on saturday 29th june at DOME after the regular saturday ride.  more details are on the previous post so put your name in the comments so we know how many to cater for.

bwa swan valley – a few spots left in the bwa cyclo-sportif teams.  put your name down in the previous post if you want to be involved.

ride routes – easterly winds are predicted for saturday, so lets get a tailwind home.

saturday 15th june

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

development group – novice shelley 36.06km spr saturday

transitional – trans benara 39.90km spr saturday

fast & main groups – morley drive 50.77km spr saturday

sunday 16th june

ride starts under the narrows (cityside) at 5:30am

early lap – earlybird 40.93km spr special

all rides start at coode st carpark at 7:00am

short – spr sunday 61.14km (welshpool & weir rd)

long – wlsh weir kal 101.71km spr sunday