In case anyone is keen on something a bit different I”ve heard of a 9 day cycling tour in Indonesia. 525km from 24 July to 1 August. I”ve spoken to the organiser and he has done this a few times – and has other tours on at various times. Check his website .

The July trip is for adventure cyclists who want the physical challenge of mountains, new cultural experiences in traditional Indonesian society, off the beaten tourist track, on the eastern Indonesian island of Sulawesi (formerly the Celebes). Trip leader bahasa Indonesia fluent Australian Colin Freestone has led 5 group trips around Sulawesi and has been riding on the island since 2000. The trip starts and finishes in Makassar, the capital of Indonesia’s historic spice trade. It takes in the tea and coffee plantations of Malino, the waterfalls of Malino and Bantaeng, the beaches of Cape Bira, the weaving villages on offshore islands and the wooden sailing boat industry in Bulukumba. Riders will experience Indonesian life and culture as it really is. The trip includes 6 cycle days, one full rest day on the beach at Bira and an easy day in the casino online cool Malino Highlands. The remaining non-cycle day will be in Makassar on pre-cycle organization, preparation and orientation. Food is mostly Indonesian and overnight stops will be in mountains, along coastal cliffs and on beaches – accommodation will include an international hotel in Makassar, a colonial hotel in Malino, a commercial travellers’ guesthouse in Sinjai and beach resorts in Bira and Jeneponto. All of these places have hot water, flush toilets and AC with towels and soap being supplied.
MTB supplied at daily rental or provided by yourself. Basic price is $1,400 excluding getting there and back – details are provided in a document which I can send you. My email is