Pliates returns this Monday 10th January! same strechy place same flexing time! see you all there!
All posts by josh
No Pilates This Monday!
Fellow roulers, there’s is no pilates for 2 weeks, pilates will return on 10 Jan 2011! see you all then! Happy New Year!
Sorry for any inconvenience, but Chrissy is not feeling too well today. As such pilates is cancelled for tonight, 15th Nov.
It shall resume next week as usual

No Pilates this Monday!
SPR Pilates starts on Monday the 5th July.
Where: “Collins Street Centre” Cnr. Collins Street and Shaftsbury Street SOUTH PERTH
(Go through glass doors, right, up the stairs into Meeting Room 2)
When: 6:30pm, Monday evenings
Cost: $12 SPR members only.
Attire: comfortable clothes for ease of movement (tracksuit pants / tights and t-shirt)
Bring your own matt, towel and water bottle.
Can you please arrive 10 min early this week to complete some paper work.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Introducing SPR Members Pilates!!!
Thank you for all those who have shown their interest in attending Pilates.
I am pleased to announce we have a venue, which is heated and in a convenient location.
SPR Pilates for members only, will commence on Monday the 5th July.
For Members Only
Where: “Collins Street Centre” Cnr. Collins Street and Shaftsbury Street SOUTH PERTH
(Go through glass doors, right, up the stairs into Meeting Room 2)
When: 6:30pm, Monday evenings
Cost: $12
Attire: comfortable clothes for ease of movement (tracksuit pants / tights and t-shirt)
Bring your own matt, towel and water bottle.
Can you please arrive 10 min early this week to complete some paper work.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
SPR Pilates
Expressions of interest – Pilates for Cyclist
As a certified Pilate’s instructor I started thinking about Pilates and cycling, and how Pilates might support a cyclists training.
As with all sports, in cycling there are common pitfalls like repetitive stress on certain muscle group’s lack of core strength and poor posture. To help counter that, Pilates offers a very strong emphasis on a balanced, overall strength and flexibility
Pilates focuses on alignment and abdominal stability, which will support a cyclist through long rides. Have you seen those cyclists when they get tired? The chest drops so that the neck has to bend unnaturally to hold the head up, and all the weight falls into the front the arms, the deltoid, biceps and forearms. Now maybe that doesn’t happen to Lance Armstrong, or the riders of the Tour de France, but we live in a cycling intensive community and I see this posture a lot out on our roads. Pilates can help cyclists to re-align their neutral spine and relieve the stresses caused by consistently riding on a hunched postural position.
By improving the balance, strengthening the core muscles and restoring the posture of the cyclists, Pilates helps the cyclists to reach an optimal pedalling rate for better endurance.
Some of the benefits of Pilates that can promote proper alignment and improved performance of the cyclists include:
- Build upper body strength by developing correct posture when riding
- Increase lower back and hamstring flexibility
- Reduce lower back injury by stretching hip flexors and quadriceps
- Increase endurance by practicing proper Pilates breathing technique
- Strengthen quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, buttocks, hip flexors and abdominal muscles.
- Reduce imbalance of the muscle groups by synchronizing the quadriceps with the hamstring muscles to stabilize the leg movement during pedalling.
- Improve balance of the body to avoid falling during riding
So if that sounds like something you would like to try then let me know as I am gathering interest to start a Monday evening Pilates class for cyclists.
During the summer the classes would be run on the south Perth foreshore, though during the cold wet winter months, to keep cost down we would need to use somebody’s house, shed or free indoor facility, so if anyone would like to kindly donate their home, or you have any suggestions please leave your feedback in the comments below.
To get an idea of numbers, please leave your interest in the comments list below.
dwellingup-pinjarra return
The Slow Fast Ride
ride report by josh
with the main group rolling out and 5 or 6 of us uming and aring about which group to ride with we chose the fast group, with the temptation of opening up the throttle along shelly being to much to resist. however we had not thawed out when we rolled through shelly and the pace never hit a high note. no one wanted to roll through so we took turns at the front and pulled our way down leach. on the 2nd climb past the cemetery jason pulled away and the pack chased, then with a perfectly timed attack Johnny leapt of the front with the young fella on a giant(sorry i dont know your name) as we caught jason. we all came back together as we rolled up stirling and then mosman park splinted us into 1’s and 2’s. as we came to claremont 6 of us came back together and mosied on through dalkeith to line up for the bunch sprint. as the dogs where unleashed just before the brewery i kicked a bit to much and found myself in mid air balancing on my handle bars hoping that i would land upright, i thought everyone at this point would be scrbling away and all i could think was to get my chain on and stay with the sprint.
so in all i very sedate ride and most of us prefering the warmth of the coffee shop
until next week…..
photos by darryl, comments by peter
Family BBQ reminder
Just a quick reminder for anyone interested in Babysitting on Saturday mornings, that we will have a BBQ at Coode St jetty (yes, where we meet on sat and sun) at 5:00pm this Saturday, to see if it’s doable. There are a few BBQs and a play ground for the kids there. hope to see you there.
Feel free to come along if you don’t have a family or children!