One of popular riding events was held last Sunday at Swan Valley. The event went well and it was presented by over 40 SPR members. The ride itself was dominated by the sea of “green” jersey which is fantastic!
I am personally disappointed for not being able to be there to participate. Overall, it was a good day and everyone enjoyed the day out!

This year, SPR had in total 7 teams, which were dominated by the SPR chicks. It was great to see more ladies riding, thanks to initiative done by Leigh Outschoorn. We definitely thank her for her dedication and persistence in encouraging women to ride!

This year, the club also hired Paparazi on the Run, Dennis Tan, to document the day for us. This album is now available on our blog. Please follow this link. They are available for all to use.
On behalf of the committee, we thank everyone who involved in ensuring that this event went smoothly for the SPR members. Thank you for your participation and riding in SPR colour. We hope that the pictures capture unforgettable memory of the day.
From me personally, I also take this opportunity to thank:
Peter Mah – without fail every year Club President makes sure that the tent is up and packed it afterwards.
Team leaders – thank you to volunteer your time taking care of each team
Heiko and Suzie – collected and presented light breakfast for the riders before Cyclo Sportif commenced and took care of the SPR tent
Belinda and Sam Flockhart – great enthusiasm to cheer the riders on the course and collected the riders’ items at the start line
Dave Manners – organised the photographer
Shaw Goh – a long standing club member who allowed Dennis to ride on his back seat to take pictures for the day
SPR social subcommittee – thanks team for taking care of the events while I was away for exam
So folks, looking forward to more riders on the next year ride in SPR colors!