Well Sunday morning I lined up for my first road race (thought I better get one in before UCI). Having checked the strava profile a few days earlier I was preparing myself for a tough day.
Arrived at Gidgegannup with plenty of time to get ready and psych myself up. Was getting all the kit on and realised I left my helmet on the kitchen table (quick call to the wife confirmed this). So the pulse rate went up a few beats. Lucky for me Andrew Ballam was on hand and quickly located a spare helmet for me (Thanks Lachlan Midland CC).
So Greg Murray and I set off on a quick warm up before our race got underway, we dicussed tactics to see who would help who at the end, depending who was feeling stronger, 6ks in that didn’t matter anymore.
At the start, C grade was mixed in with B grade ladies and U19 men; the rolling start was more like a New Years day shopping rush at Myers.
We got to the start line in one piece (just) and off we went. Being the first race of the season there was a bit of argy bargy and everyone was trying to find their grove.
About 6km in the group started to split and a small group of about 10 stayed together and went on their way, me on the other hand adopted the TT pose and spent the next 44ks on my own.
Heading out towards the turn around point there is a lovely windy down hill section (O’Brien Rd) about 2.5km long, as I was going down at about 65k/hr I saw Luke Ellis coming up the hill sitting about 4th wheel in A grade, he gave me an encouraging wave as I went fleeting past….Having looked at the grimace (pish posh – Luke) on his face I new I would be in some pain for the trip home. Got to the C grade turn around point and made my way back, saw a few of the SPR crew making their way out with the same look on their face as I’m sure I had on mine.
I started up the O’Brien Road climb and I was feeling quite good wasn’t at my granny gear just yet. Made up some time on the down hills but they didn’t feel as long as on the way out. About half way back as my heart rate went past 180 I took a mouthful of sports drink (wrong idea) it promptly came flying back out.
I set into a bit of a rhythm and caught up to another rider, who promptly took a wrong turn on the way home I called out but he kept going, with fatigue setting in I started to doubt whether I should follow, I stuck with my first choice and kept going up the road. As I was climbing to the finish line going up the smallest hill I finally got into my granny gear, the hips were starting to feel it.
I crossed the line in 19th out of 24 so I’m quite happy, considering I’m not a hill climber (needs to change). Was great to see all the SPR crew waiting for each other at the finish line.
So that’s my first road race done and dusted, now getting ready for UCI on Sunday, looking forward to just getting out there and giving it a red hot go.
Cheers, Jason

Posted on behalf of Jason Gorden who picked a really tough first C grade race. Photo courtesty of Mr Ballam.