ride routes 21st & 22nd nov

IMG_6857after the slight deviation from summer we had this week, it is good to see that the forecast is heading towards some nice weather again.  a very pleasant weekend is expected so lets make the most of it and head out riding.  there are a couple of events this weekend with the state crit titles at armadale on saturday and the great perth bike ride on sunday.  we are sure to have people in each so all the best to them.

as mentioned in the previous post, all the new kit has arrived and that includes the new trisuits.  there will be a distribution on saturday at the coffeeshop after the ride or by arrangement if needed.  there will also be a distribution of the new bottles and payment can be made for them on the day.  there are limited numbers of the bigger ones so to ensure you get what you want, send your order via email.

saturday ride will be a nice familiar one with the two groups heading along south street to canning vale.  the main group return via bannister road and the fast group head to nicholson.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 13 (canning vale reverse)

it’s been a while since we have been out to canning dam so i thought it would be a nice day to make the trip.  five climbs to tackle on this one so make sure you have your climbing legs on.  after the first one, the remainder are not too steep, but finishing up at over 100kms will mean that there will be some tired legs by the end.

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 05 (carradine & canning dam)

spr drink bottles and kit

as some of you may have been aware, we have the latest shipment of spr drink bottles.  it has been over a year since we first did an order for bottles and so there will be lots of people out there that have since joined the group.  also, a year of abuse may find that some of the current bottles are in need of replacement. 

650ml, 800ml and ryan
650ml, 800ml and ryan

so, we have received and order and have purchased 100 of the standard 650ml bottles and 50 of the bigger 800ml bottles.  it will be a first in first served basis but i will take orders via email and distribute this saturday at the coffeeshop.

the cost is $10 for the 650ml and $12 for the 800ml.

i have included a photo of ryan standing next to the bottles in his white speedos so you can get an idea of scale.

the latest run of kit has also arrived so if you have not yet collected, this too will also be available at the coffeeshop on saturday.

perth integrated health clinics cycling festival

report by peter. 

IMG_6987we had agreed quite a while ago to put up a tent at the festival of cycling that was part of the tour de perth.  when the idea was originally floated i was a bit unsure of what to expect and what we should do to make ourselves stand out.  my initial thought was that all the wa clubs would be there so what could we do to show that our club was different.  in the end, there wasn’t a big club presence which is kind of disappointing yet good for us as we managed to capture a lot more attention.

we rocked up early, well actually, chris rocked up early and called me while i was still brushing my teeth.  punctuality and kids do not go hand in hand.  as i had the tent and most things, there was not much he could do until i turned up anyway.  by the time i arrived, lorriane had parked her car over the spot that we would set up out tent so that no-one else could set up camp there.  we unloaded everything and started to work out where everything should go.  we are not well practiced at this as it is usually just a place to sit after a race.  we now had merchandise that needed to be on display and the how and why’s of good marketing practice came into play.

we pretty much got everything where we wanted it and by then darryl and scott had also joined us so we had many hands on deck to help out.

chris was attempting to show me how to get the power/weight ratio test set up but the cycle-ops head unit was proving more difficult that we had hoped.  to show the average power meant a complicated 27 button push operation that was well beyond me as an engineer.  a quick call to melvyn (who luckily was around the corner on his bike) and we soon had his new ANT+ powertap running through lorraines garmin.  neatly set up it showed current power, average power and time all on the one screen.  made things a lot simpler.

in the meantime, darryl, scott and lorriane seemed to flag down every single person that wandered past and told them all about spr and what a great group we are.  handed out flyers and offered them brownies.  we had quite a lot of interested people wandering past and even if they didn’t stop in for a chat, saw that we had a lot of people just hanging out in the tent.  once the first race was over the crowds came down off the course and i think we sold quite a few more drinks at that time.  if anything it was just our hook to get them close enough for our marketing people (darryl, scott and lorraine) to talk to them about spr.

it took a while but we finally got a few people to have a go at the power/weight ratio test.  first cab off the rank was our test pilot “the stig” who posted a decent 8.92W/kg.  the test was basically get on the bike and smash out 20 sec as hard as you can to give and average power.  this is then divided by your weight to give a power to weight ratio.  this test cannot really be compared to anything except the results of others doing the same test.  so it all came down to how well you went against “the stig”.

women’s results

belinda 5.60
kate 4.51
jody 4.33

men’s results

ryan 10.16
toby 9.23
phil 8.95
the stig 8.92
brettski 8.50
scott 7.55
rupert 7.46
bernie 7.43
craig 7.19
chris 6.45
gary 6.28

a good mix of spr regulars with some passersby just wanting to know how they faired.  lennie and jarrad get themselves an spr prize pack of bottle, hat and t-shirt. 

at the end of the day, we managed to sell some drinks and some spr drink bottles.  distribute some kit, hand out some flyers and give away some brownies.  getting our name out there is the most important thing and selling us more as a support group for people with a cycling affliction rather than just a club is what make us stand out.  a huge thanks to lorraine, darryl and scott for all their help manning the tent.  chris, lisa, melvyn, kimbo and ryan for providing equipment and support, and all the others that made us look like a good community group to be apart of.

oh, and there was a race on as well.  we had brendan, matty and nicole in spr kit but also had steve, jack, davina, bec, anna, lisa and jill all out competing.  all the riders that i have talked to have said what a great level of support they felt as they went around the different circuits.  so also a big thanks to those that just turned out to support our riders on the day.

nicole on the climb
nicole on the climb
matty leading the chase group
matty leading the chase group
the new skinsuit heading out on it's maiden voyage
the new skinsuit heading out on it's maiden voyage


To all of SPR

tdpgroupA BIG BIG BIG thankyou for your support for those who you all know and love! that were riding in the tour de perth.  I cant tell you how it felt to hear your cheers especially when your head is say WTF am I doing and this is a faaaaast crit and not Kings Park hill AGAIN!


Every corner that was turned there was a voice shouting….

There were plently of lessons and experiences learnt – my main one was reaching the food station taking another bottle of water without realising I hadnt chucked the last bottle out and I was on a hill with one bottle in my mouth (whilst trying to suck in any amount of air as possible as I WAS ON A HILL!!) one hand trying to fish around for the empty bottle to chuck out and then one hand on the handle bars trying to climb in a straight line……….. geez people underestimate the talents that cyclists need 😉

The men's peloton rides along Mounts Bay Road.


Again a big thankyou


saturday 14th nov – ridgehill rd (fast group)

ride report by peter.


what a busy weekend.  after watching the crits on friday night at northbridge, it was a bit of a struggle to get to the start on time for saturday morning.  but then again, me running late would not be a new concept for any of the regular attendees.  the weather was generally fine, but slightly overcast with some menacing looking clouds hovering overhead.  it didn’t look like it would bring rain, but we would have to wait and see.

pretty good turn out for the morning and i would say that there would have been around 50 riders.  the predicted wind would normally see us return via mounts bay road, but with road closures due to the tour de perth, we headed east instead.  this meant that the return journey could be a lot harder that usual.

the group headed out along great eastern hwy and towards guilford.  i got a chance to catch up with gregor who had just got back from the usa.  lots to tell as i had been cyber-stalking him via facebook to see all the interesting places he had been mountain biking over there.  the main group split off at kalamunda road and would loop around avoiding ridgehill rd to return to guilford.  the fast group continued on a bit further before cutting across past rosehill golf course and onto helena valley road.  it was there that we pretty much came to a standstill for a good 5 minutes while we waited for some roadworks.  russell had warned us of the hardpack gravel but it was actually a pretty good surface and no worse than some of the sealed roads that we have been on.

once we got moving, the pace started to pick up a bit with judd on the front pushing along.  i was sitting at the back with ryan discussing what the tactics would be once we hit the hill.  the group was still quite large so we needed to get closer to the front before the hill started.  some of the boys started to wind up well before we turned onto ridgehill road and the group began to splinter a bit.  this made moving up a bit more difficult as you had to deal with not only the change in pace but also the riders that were now coming backwards towards you.

once we hit the roundabout, ryan was a lot closer to the front and managed to get around with some clear air.  by the time i started the climb there were still about 10 – 15 riders in front of me and they started spreading out as people settled into their climbing rhythm.  i had spent the first three days of the week up on site and didn’t manage to get out on the bike on the remaining two days either.  the last time i was on the bike was the golden spokes race the previous sunday.  my legs were either going to be fresh or stale and this climb would be the deciding fator.

i managed to find a gap and seemingly effortlessly came around the group and caught ryan.  i instantly came around him and put a gap into the field.  damn my legs felt good.  i continued to dance up the first of the three steps of the climb and made it to the first plateau with no worries.  ryan caught up with me and pushed on up the second step.  i sat on his wheel and followed his lead.  whoa.  those fresh legs suddenly didn’t feel so good.  suddenly i felt as though i had burnt all my matches and was sucking in air just to hold ryan’s wheel.  i made it up the second step on his wheel, but had to back off as i felt the bile rise and the hotness of reaching well into the red zone.  crap, crap, crap.  i eased off and tried to get my heart rate back down from the 190 bpm i had maxed out at.  the rest of the chase group was slowing pegging me back and soon i briefly had some company.  about six or so riders past me by the time we reached the crest and started the descent.

i had significantly recovered by now to begin chasing so that i didn’t get left behind.  there were a number of riders in the same boat and we had a decent size bunch by the time we reached kalamunda road.  ryan had managed to get across the intersection with a couple of other riders but by the time we hit roe hwy lights we managed to amalgamate into a decent group of around 12.

there were some roll throughs that i didn’t participate in as the group headed through high wycombe.  the pace was high enough to make just sitting in an effort for me now.  the stop start of the multiple intersections that we had to negotiate made keeping the group fluid quite hard.  we finally reached guilford and turned for home.

i was sitting on the back when we hit the main intersection in bassendean when the lights changed.  there was a bit of indecision at the lights, but the group kept it’s pace on and slipped through.  that is everyone except stu, schneider and myself.  while we were waiting we were joined by mike who is quite new to the group.

stu was not in the mood for chasing so fell off the back while the three of us did turns at the front.  the wind was not as bad as predicted so i was hoping like hell that the lights would slow down the front pack.  as we turned past bassendean station, we could just see the group ahead of us while they clicked in after being held up by the lights.  the combined firepower of around 10 riders meant that they stayed ahead of us and pulled away into the distance.

just at the tonkin hwy overpass, we managed to have them in sight again, but the lights didn’t play into our favour and they were off again.  we continued to roll through and got across the rolling hills of maylands but never saw the group again.  stu managed to catch us at the lights so we all continued onto the coffee shop.

apparently there was a disqualification in the final sprint as ryan managed to sneak through a intersection ahead of the group, so jarrad claimed line honours ahead of the rest of the field.

i was off home straight away as i was taking the kids to watch the tour de perth stage around kings park.  a bit of bad luck by brendan and steve meant that they had a harder time than they needed to in quite a relentless stage.  matty continued to fly the spr colours right to the end and gave us a focal point for the spr base camp that we set up halfway up the final climb.

the women’s race saw ruth corset breakaway early but all the spr regular girls hung with the main field right to the end.

spr & teschner

TESCHNER SL9we recently signed a memorandum of understanding with teschner bikes to provide support for us to run a men’s and women’s elite race team for 2010.  it involves teschner providing 2 top end frames to our club to sell to raise funds to kit out the new teams. 

to provide a greater awareness of the brand within our group, we would like to sell them to current spr riders rather than just on ebay.  their current flagship frame is the SL9 and will be arriving mid december.  currently retailing for around $3,700 we would hope to provide this to a buyer from within the group for a discounted price.  also, if there are more than 2 people that want frames, we can organise a club purchase and hopefully get a better discount. 

if anyone out there is interested, send me an email and i will give you a bit more information.

Ride Report – Novice Group Ride 14th November 2009

By Dr Ronny

I thought I would write this up as I haven’t seen a ride report from the Novice group for a while and I was pleasantly impressed with the ride this morning.  Firstly, I must apologise for not knowing everybody’s names but I will try harder next week. That is, I intend to actually make the briefing to introduce myself. Anyway, after arriving at the carpark just as the main groups were leaving, we (Emma and I) caught the Novice Riders and set off.

Not more than 2 minutes into the ride it began to drizzle and I began wishing that I had gone East with the main group where the weather looked a lot brighter. Fortunately, the “rain” stopped and before long the drops on my stem and handlebars were gone.

The ride down the freeway bike path was easy going with the tailwind. We turned off at the Canning Bridge and I was informed that we would skip the one “hill” today and head straight for Shelley as we had a newbie in the group (sorry, name unknown). By now, it was turning into a beautiful morning and once we got to Shelley, we began our roll through. It was pretty good (at least, better than I expected and certainly not the worst I have seen) and we made good time to get to the end of Shelley. We had a quick stop and decided to head back with a similar roll-through. As expected, the roll-through with a cross-headwind was a little less pretty and there we often gaps and riders going at different speeds within the same paceline. I began pointing out the gaps and trying to get a more constant speed in each line going. This seemed to work well and the ladies were fast to pick up on any tips. By the end of this short section, the roll-through looked much better till we got to the slight uprise before the finish and we split up a little. It was at this time that Emma told me her bike wouldn’t shift down. At the regroup I tightened the rear derailleur cable and we headed off only to find that I had made it worse. We stopped briefly to loosen it a quarter turn and headed off after the group which were now 75 metres ahead. Once again, no luck with the shifting so I sprinted across the gap and gingerly asked the others to pull over for a second.

It took about 2 minutes to sought it out and I’m pleased to say that the shifting was fine after that. We got back onto the bike path to find a strong crosswind and as a result, rode steadily back. I was especially pleased with the sensible riding of the ladies when we got near the Mill St onramp to find an ambulance helping a man who had fallen off and cut his face and elbow. We stopped for a second (enough time to see that a trainee radiologist and paediatrician were of absolutely no help) and then headed for coffee.

Thanks to all the ladies for the great ride. Not as much “juicy” gossip as I would like but I will be sure to join you again for another outing. The relaxed pace is a nice change for anyone who wants to join.

saturday 7th nov – scarborough beach road (Fast group)

by jonny

Well after a quick look at the blog I have noticed that nobody has taken up Pete’s offer to write up the adventures of the fast group, so here goes. Nobody wants to be reminded about all those light again so I will start from where the fast and main group split. Actually I think the title Fast groups may be more appropriate. I am not certain but I think we must have set a record between the fast and main group splitting and the fast group splitting from itself !

As we turned into Ewan St I’m sure I wasn’t the only one surprised by the climb ahead. Somehow I had not yet had the pleasure of discovering this climb but Pete seems to have a talent for finding them and this one did not disappoint. I actually climbed quite well and over the top I was 5th behind Ryan, Julian, Jerry, and Frank from Adelaide. Frank had actually checked out the blog while in Adelaide and decided to join us next time he was in Perth. At the top I looked back down to see a lot of carnage and a very split up bunch.

Once over the top there was a bit of confusion as to which way to go. Where are all the Garmins when you need them ? We did though find our way back onto West Coast Hwy and a small group got through the lights to form a breakaway. Now I know it may be a bit controversial that we kept going but out of the six of us away; four of us were at the front over the first climb and I’m sure Daniel and Chris who joined is in the break wouldn’t have been too far away over the top. Once we decided to go we actually went quite hard and rolled through at high speed. We all worked well together but when we got to the Boulevard it was more a case of work when you can and recover when you can. Climbing back up Oceanic Dr we lost Daniel who had been working hard beforehand and couldn’t quite stay with us. There was a bit of a headwind up the hill and when the elastic goes it’s hard getting back.

Back onto West Coast Hwy again I was actually starting to enjoy myself. It’s a great feeling when you are riding hard close to the limit but know you still have gas left in the tank if you need it. Again everyone worked well and if they couldn’t help on the uphills would help on the flats and downhills. As we turned off WCH I looked back for the first time and noticed Steve had got across. I did not see anyone else but I did hear the chasing groups did have us in sight and we were not home and dry.

The rest of the ride was pretty un-eventful with us sticking together and nobody trying to attack or break up the bunch. As we entered Mounts Bay Rd I decided to be the domestique and led. At this point I knew I wasn’t going to win the sprint plus after working together since Scarborough it was nice to all finish together. Ryan took off up the road to pass the sign post first.

ride routes 14th & 15th nov

a big weekend of bike riding happening starting friday night.  the tour de perth kicks off in northbridge with a criterium at 6:30pm and as shown before on a previous post, there will be a number of spr regulars racing.  there will even be a few spr jerseys on the circuit to so come along and cheer them on.

just after the saturday morning ride, take a spin over to kings park as the first real stage of the tour will do a number of circuits including mounts bay road.  the finish line is atop of the climb up spring and malcolm st so you will get a great view along there.

sunday is all around perry lake reserve, with the next stage in the morning around a circuit and a time trial in the afternoon.  both routes take in rebold hill and will be quite testing.  this is the time that the spr riders will need to hear your support.  at the same time there will be the festival of cycling in which we will have a tent.  there will be the latest batch of spr drink bottles on sale as well as a powertest to determine your power/weight ratio.  this will also be the day which i will be distributing the latest spr kit if you have ordered any. so come on down and support your club and the riders in the tour.  if you want to hang out at the tent and help out you are more then welcome to as well.

the saturday ride will take on ridgehill rd.  well actually the route has been changed now, so the fast group do ridgehill road and the main group skirt around it all together.  both groups head out towards guilford but the main group turn onto kalmunda road and then back along helena valley road and guilford road.  the fast group take the good old way past the rosehill gofl course then out along helena valley road to ridgehill.  home via kalamunda road and guilford road.  with only 4 1/2 kms difference between the two routes there is a good chance that there will be a catch.

south perth rouleurs saturday ride 10 (ridge hill rd)

sunday will see a four climb wonder with the kahuna, peet, observatory and finally up to kalamunda for coffee.

south perth rouleurs sunday ride 03 (kahuna & peet & patterson)

Golden Spokes Men’s Support Race

Golden Spokes – The B team race report by Judd

Or: Where has my sprint gone?


This was my first race in a while so I was nervous for a full week beforehand. Rather than try to make up for months of not training in the last few days I was determined to try a new race approach, recovering for a full week in the lead up after a few weeks of heavy training. This unusual procedure has lead to a mild state of panic and self doubt: I feel flat, I have not done enough, I am going to get spat out for being lazy, this is going to be so embarrassing and so forth and so forth. I start researching UCI Cycling rules to find out if I can use aero wheels, engines or kite surfing parachutes. I am willing take any advantage I can get. Unfortunately it seems I have to resign myself to my training wheels.

5am race day: Text from Nico saying he has had to cancel race as Jody has gone back to hospital after crashing the car (I have since heard Jody will be OK). Planned race day routine stuffed already. Panic continues. I know what will help, coffee!

Pack Bag, Pack Bike, Pack car. Car is full of every conceivable cycling tool/spare/clothing item known to man but still my brain keeps telling me I have forgotten something. Panic continues.

Arriving at Armadale it was good to see a reasonable crowd and that the weather was looking to be brilliant. Facilities here are great and the course is my favourite kind, flat with a short section of flat followed by a longer section of flat, an occassional corner. Fantastic!

A few early arrivals meant that SPCC base camp was set up early and the green swarm began to gather. A race so close to home seems to have helped the numbers, we were going to have a good showing in Mens A & B and the Ladies. Knowledge and strategies were imparted on the inexperienced (mostly Matt telling me not to follow my original plan because everyone is thinking the same thing). Great, now the panic is really building. I start to wonder if five trips to the gents in half an hour is a sign of a larger health concern.

A few of the non-racing types (excuses detailed later) were off to help set up. The rest of us took off for our short warm up before the early start. I did a quick lap of the course to confirm the exact nature of the course. Flat with a few tight corners, I start planning the run home.

I get to the start line, There is a good sized field for the A grade and it looked like the whole of B grade was SPCC. Well not quite but of maybe a field of 40 we had almost a quarter. In attendance we have Pete, Mr B, Jarrad, Dropped in Dalkieth (name soon to be revised), Daniel, Brettski, Bruce & Toby. All round a strong group, things are looking good. Group tactics began. I look around, lots of deep dish aero wheels…..I feel jealous/daft, suppress the need to hyperventilate and head off to the portaloo again. This is getting beyond a joke now.

After five or ten minutes of nervously sitting around we were informed that the roads had not quite been closed yet so start would be delayed another ten minutes. I start feeling need to visit the gents yet again but ignore this thinking that it must be nerves, it can’t be possible and will simply go away when we get underway.

The first lap is a neutral lap to allow reconnaisance of the course and a few troublesome corners.  Eight laps of 10km including the neutral lap.

It is at this point I should point out that my plan of attack is stay with the leaders but not do any work and try a breakaway at about 3 laps to go and then again at the 1km mark if that fails. For some reason my sprint has gone to poo lately and I decide that if I sit and wait I am simply handing the race over to everyone else. For the first 200m I listened to my new found friend from ADCC (eventual race/sprint winner) in the peleton tell me about all the sprint finishes and sprint races he has won lately including the World Masters.

Should have gone to the gents….

Neutral lap is very sedate. My only other experience of a neutral start was the freeway bike hike and that was anything but sedate. We come around for the first lap of racing and rather than an immediate attack the group does nothing. I decide that this is simply not acceptable as it will take an awfully long time to finish the race at 25km/hr and move to the front to start the pacing. We soon gather speed.

The next three laps of actual racing go past as a series of serious attacks that the bunch is not happy to let go. There develops a recurring theme of culprits and the pace rarely seems to come down below 45km/hr. The bunch seems to hold together although the attacks and the hairpin turn were taking their toll on the guys at the back and took some effort from the culprits as well. Mr Bonner, Dropped in Dalkieth and others all put in attacks which were closely guarded by the bunch, a sign that we are being taken seriously now. A couple of solo efforts were allowed to go but didn’t last.   Over the next one or two laps the pace settles down and becomes a steady pace with a few half hearted attacks, it seems the initial rush of adrenaline is done and everyone is setting up camp for the sprint home.

With four laps to go I start considering if I should attack sooner than planned but resolve that I simply don’t have the legs to go forty K’s at 45km/hr. I decide to stick with the plan and attack before the hairpin with three to go. I am hoping for an attack to go which I can launch from. I am assuming that the culprits will come as well but at least we may get a small group away from the bunch. I have a chat to Pete and go to the back of the bunch to fetch Jarrad who has been sitting quietly in the pack. Although I am sure I said come to the front and sit in I started to wonder if I said “come to the front and smash the s@#t out of everyone”. A couple of surges later I conveyed the concept of energy conservation. In a very short period of time I think we will all be chasing him a bit more often!!

On the last run into the hairpin before my planned attack there are no surges or attacks, I knew this is not good but cross fingers that the group needs a lap or two to recover and there is still hope of launching from an attack on the next lap. I am so busy considering the options I almost run over the poor bugger on the front who went down on the hairpin. It was an odd crash at low speed which looked like he tried to turn in too sharply and locked the front wheel. Anway, I didn’t run him over and listened to him cursing himself. I am pretty sure he got back on and finished.

Coming around to the hairpin with three laps to go there were still no attacks, bugger. I am feeling unsure but resolve to stick to the plan. About 100m out of the hairpin I attack passing some of the culprits on the way which I was sure would get attention, when I turned around at the hair pin I realised I was on my own and started to think I am going to have to do this alone which is not part of the plan. Anyway I bury myself for 500m and realise I haven’t made a lot of ground on the group and this is a failing exercise, I sit up and rejoin the group. Being somewhat embarrassed by the lack of execution to plan, I proceed to waste a lot of energy pushing attacks off the front with Jarrad. They all get marked.

About this time one of the culprits from Glen Parker sits in next to me after my last useless waste of energy and says something like, I am not going to let you get way. My head was pounding and I wasn’t exactly sure what he had said but asked “Why? Do you want a sprint?” GP replied “It’s not for me” and asked how much I want it. The only reasonable answer I could think of was “I want it more”. It was at this point I am pretty sure GP said something Like “I bet you fifty bucks……the Golden Spokes and you can post that on the blog”. Now I wasn’t actually sure what the middle of the sentence was and what I was being challenged to do. Anyway I was reasonably sure I was being goaded into being silly so I didn’t respond and put it out of my mind. I probably lost whatever the bet was anyway but here it is, posted on the blog anyway.

With most of the group still together there were no more attacks until the last lap. Pete got in first as soon as we crossed the line for the last lap. Soon after came Dropped in Dalkieth (name has to be revised to something short) and a whole series of attacks but no-one was really trying to get away. It was more like last lap nerves and the pace kept rising as everyone tried to secure their launch position for the finish. After the hairpin the pace really picked up, I had a good position sitting in around 4th or 5th wheel, Jarrad was just behind but unnervingly all of the culprits were present. Two McMurdo guys went to the front looking to secure a position and got held out there with the group refusing to come around. I started to get boxed in as the group gathered up behind.

I decided to leave the run a little later but go at the roundabout at the entry to the venue and try to get into the finishing turns in front, hoping it will be hard for the sprinters to get up and chase while turning. So as we come up to the roundabout a gap opens up on the inside and with track running out I decided to go for it. I yelled “inside” at the poor bugger on the front (who must of crapped himself because I was only 3ft away) and took off. This surprised everyone (possibly for it’s stupidity) and I quickly opened up a gap. Under full power while turning through the roundabout I decided it was time to change gears (just seemed like a good idea at the time). There was a short slip on the crank, the bike seemed to jump into the air and there was an almighty bang as the rear wheel came back down earth about a foot from where it started. I paused, looked down to see if I still had a rear wheel and then started pushing again. Jarrad tells me it looked quite spectacular from behind. Not something I plan on doing again though.

I pushed into the corner off the straight and started running out of steam. I had maybe 20m on the Riders Choice guy and 40m on the group. With 250m to go speed started dropping, the sprinters wear baring down and my goose was cooked. I cursed my ego for pushing the surges after the failed breakaway. I sat up and started my warm down while the group swarmed past. My only consolation was that the Riders Choice guy did the same 20m after passing me. Maybe he thought I would be a better lead out?

So as it turns out all was not lost, Daniel managed to pull in fifth which is an awesome result given the big pack of sprinters who were in the mix at the end.

A couple of quiet moments were held in the SPR camp after the race to reconsider our efforts. A lot of planning went on here that might have been better placed before the race but so be it.

I didn’t win, had fun and will be doing it all again soon.  


The website for the South Perth Cycle Club